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webservice 客户端调用服务端出现401错误

来源:互联网 收集:自由互联 发布时间:2021-06-24
原因是服务端做了用户名和密码验证,但是客户端调用时未传递,所以需要调用接口前,把用户名和密码也一块传递过去。 URL url = new URL(""); XXXStub stub = new XXX


   URL url = new URL("");

       XXXStub stub = new XXXStub(url,null);



A 401 error means that the target URL is protected, and you need to provide username/password authentication.

you need to set the username and password in the client, or tune your server settings so that the service is not protected.

Check the TemperatureConverterStub class for methods that allow you to set username/password, or check the documentation of whichever tool you're using to create those classes for more information on this.
