如何在Classic ASP中将数据发布到Web中的任何页面? 我建议在XmlHttp上使用Server XMLHTTP,原因如下: XMLHTTP is designed for client applications and relies on URLMon, which is built upon Microsoft Win32 Internet (Win
XMLHTTP is designed for client
applications and relies on URLMon,
which is built upon Microsoft Win32
Internet (WinInet). ServerXMLHTTP is
designed for server applications and
relies on a new HTTP client stack,
WinHTTP. ServerXMLHTTP offers
reliability and security and is
DataToSend = "id=1" dim xmlhttp set xmlhttp = server.Createobject("MSXML2.ServerXMLHTTP") xmlhttp.Open "POST","http://localhost/Receiver.asp",false xmlhttp.setRequestHeader "Content-Type", "application/x-www-form-urlencoded" xmlhttp.send DataToSend Set xmlhttp = nothing