我正在学习 Python和Pygame,而我正在做的第一件事是一个简单的Snake游戏.我试图让蛇每0.25秒移动一次.这是我的代码循环的一部分: while True: check_for_quit() clear_screen() draw_snake() draw_food() c
while True: check_for_quit() clear_screen() draw_snake() draw_food() check_for_direction_change() move_snake() #How do I make it so that this loop runs at normal speed, but move_snake() only executes once every 0.25 seconds? pygame.display.update()
每隔x ms创建一个事件:
repeatedly create an event on the event queue
set_timer(eventid, milliseconds) -> None
Set an event type to appear on the event queue every given number of milliseconds. The first event will not appear until the amount of time has passed.
Every event type can have a separate timer attached to it. It is best to use the value between pygame.USEREVENT and pygame.NUMEVENTS.
To disable the timer for an event, set the milliseconds argument to 0.
import pygame pygame.init() screen = pygame.display.set_mode((300, 300)) player, dir, size = pygame.Rect(100,100,20,20), (0, 0), 20 MOVEEVENT, t, trail = pygame.USEREVENT+1, 250, [] pygame.time.set_timer(MOVEEVENT, t) while True: keys = pygame.key.get_pressed() if keys[pygame.K_w]: dir = 0, -1 if keys[pygame.K_a]: dir = -1, 0 if keys[pygame.K_s]: dir = 0, 1 if keys[pygame.K_d]: dir = 1, 0 if pygame.event.get(pygame.QUIT): break for e in pygame.event.get(): if e.type == MOVEEVENT: # is called every 't' milliseconds trail.append(player.inflate((-10, -10))) trail = trail[-5:] player.move_ip(*[v*size for v in dir]) screen.fill((0,120,0)) for t in trail: pygame.draw.rect(screen, (255,0,0), t) pygame.draw.rect(screen, (255,0,0), player) pygame.display.flip()