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来源:互联网 收集:自由互联 发布时间:2021-06-28
基于layui编写的级联下拉插件 /** * @ name : linkSelect 下拉级联选择 * @ Author: aggerChen * @ version: 1.0 */layui.define(['layer','form','element','laytpl'], function(exports){var $ = layui.$,form = layui.form,laytpl = layu
 * @ name : linkSelect 下拉级联选择
 * @ Author: aggerChen
 * @ version: 1.0

layui.define(['layer','form','element','laytpl'], function(exports){
	var $ = layui.$,
	form = layui.form,
	laytpl = layui.laytpl,
	element = layui.emelemt,
	hint = layui.hint(),
	THIS = 'layui-this';
	var linkSelect = {
		    config: {} //全局配置项
		    ,cache: {} //数据缓存
		    ,index: layui.laypage ? (layui.laypage.index + 10000) : 0
	var thisSelect = function(){
	    var that = this,
	    options = that.config,
	    id = options.id;
	    id && (thisSelect.config[id] = options);
	    return {
	      reload: function(options){
	    	  that.reload.call(that, options);
	      getValue: function(){
	    	  return that.getValue.call(that);
	      config: options
	var MOD_NAME = 'linkSelect';
	var TPL_MAIN = ['',
   ', '
    ', '
    ', '{{# if(!d.data.disabled){ }}', '
    ', '{{# } }}', '
   ', '
	var TPL_DL = [
', '{{# if(d.nodata){ }}', '
{{ d.nodata }}
', '{{# }else{ }}', '
', '{{# } }}', '{{# layui.each(d.data,function(index,item){ }}', '{{# if((!d.options.data) && d.options.url ){ }}', '
{{ item[d.options.replaceName] }}
', '{{# }else{ }}', '
{{ item[d.options.replaceName] }} {{# if(item[d.options.replaceChildren]&&item[d.options.replaceChildren].length>0){ }} {{# } }}
', '{{# } }}', '{{# }) }}', '
', ].join(""); //构造器 var Class = function(options){ var that = this; that.index = ++linkSelect.index; that.sindex = 0; //下拉选择器的标识 that.config = $.extend(true,{}, that.config, linkSelect.config, options); that.render(); }; //核心入口 linkSelect.render = function(options){ var inst = new Class(options); return thisSelect.call(inst); }; //获取选中值 linkSelect.getValue = function(id){ return linkSelect.cache[id]["value"]; //返回缓存中的选中值 }; //重载 thisSelect.config = {}; linkSelect.reload = function(id,options){ var config = thisSelect.config[id]; var selectedArr = linkSelect.cache[id]["selectedArr"]; if(!config) return hint.error('The ID option was not found in the linkSelect instance'); if(!options.selectedArr) options.selectedArr = selectedArr; return linkSelect.render($.extend(true, {}, config, options)); }; //默认配置 Class.prototype.config = { lableName : "级联选择", //默认lable名 placeholderText : "请选择", //默认placeholder minwidth:"160px", //默认最小宽度 replaceName:"name", //默认name名 replaceId:"id", //默认id名 用于选择value replaceChildren:"children", //默认children名 selectedArr : [], //默认选中数组 disabled:false, //禁用 默认不禁用 where:{} }; //加载容器 Class.prototype.render = function(){ var that = this; var options = that.config; options.elem = $(options.elem); var othis = options.elem; that.key = options.id || options.index; if(!options.elem[0]) return that; //如果元素不存在 var arr = options.selectedArr||[]; linkSelect.cache[that.key] = {}; linkSelect.cache[that.key]["localData"] = {}; //初始化本地缓存数据 linkSelect.cache[that.key]["selectedArr"] = arr.slice(0);; //将默认选中保存到缓存,以便重载的时候获取 //请求参数的自定义格式 options.request = $.extend({ //pageName: 'page', //limitName: 'limit' }, options.request); //响应数据的自定义格式 options.response = $.extend({ statusName: 'code', statusCode: 0, msgName: 'msg', dataName: 'data', }, options.response); //主容器 var reElem = that.elem = $(laytpl(TPL_MAIN).render({ //VIEW_CLASS: ELEM_VIEW, data: options, index: that.index //索引 })); othis.html(reElem); //生成主元素 that.formFilter(); //监听选择 that.pullData(0); //渲染初始选项 }; //监听选择 Class.prototype.formFilter = function(){ var that = this; var options = that.config; var INPUT = $("#linkSelectInput" + that.index); var DIV = $("#linkSelectDiv" + that.index); if(options.disabled) return; //禁用 $(INPUT).on('click', function(e){ $(DIV).hasClass("layui-form-selected") ? ( $(DIV).removeClass('layui-form-selected') ) : ( $(DIV).addClass('layui-form-selected') ); }); $(document).on('click',function(event){ if($(event.target)[0]!=$(INPUT)[0]){ $(DIV).removeClass('layui-form-selected'); } }); }; //监听选项 Class.prototype.optionFilter = function(dl){ var that = this; var options = that.config; var INPUT = $("#linkSelectInput" + that.index); var DIV = $("#linkSelectDiv" + that.index); var dds = $(dl).children('dd'); //选择 dds.on('click', function(e){ var valueArr = linkSelect.cache[that.key]["value"]; var othis = $(this), value = othis.attr('lay-value'),name = othis.text(),thissIndex = othis.attr('lay-sindex'); var isC = othis.children('i').length>0; //判断是否有子集 if(othis.hasClass('layui-select-tips')){ INPUT.val(getText(setValue(valueArr,thissIndex))); } else { othis.addClass(THIS); INPUT.val(getText(setValue(valueArr,thissIndex,value,name))); } othis.siblings().removeClass(THIS); if(!isC){ //没有子集 if(e.bubbles) $(DIV).removeClass('layui-form-selected'); othis.parent().nextAll("dl").remove(); that.sindex = thissIndex; }else{ //有子集 if(that.sindex!=thissIndex){ othis.parent().nextAll("dl").remove(); that.sindex = thissIndex; } that.sindex++; that.pullData(thissIndex,value); } typeof options.selected === 'function' && options.selected({name:name,value:value},othis); return false; }); //保存数据 function setValue(valueArr,thissIndex,value,name){ valueArr = valueArr||[]; valueArr.splice(thissIndex,valueArr.length); //将值缓存置空 if(value) valueArr[thissIndex] = {"name":name,"value":value}; linkSelect.cache[that.key]["value"] = valueArr; return valueArr; } //获取显示文本 function getText(arr){ var text = ""; $.each(arr,function(i,item){ text += (i!=0?"> ":"")+item.name; }); return text; } } //渲染数据 Class.prototype.pullData = function(thissIndex,parentId){ var that = this; var options = that.config; if(options.data){ that.localData(thissIndex,parentId); //data渲染 }else if(options.url){ that.ajaxData(thissIndex,parentId); //url渲染 }else{ that.renderData("缺少数据参数"); //data和url配置都不存在 } }; //data渲染数据 Class.prototype.localData = function(thissIndex,parentId){ var that = this; var options = that.config; var data = options.data; function loopData(data,parentId){ thissIndex--; for(var i=0;i 0){ var result = loopData(item[options.replaceChildren],parentId); if(result==undefined){ thissIndex++; continue; }else{ return result; } } } } //父级id存在,则获取渲染data if(parentId){ //查看缓存是否已经存在 var localData = linkSelect.cache[that.key]["localData"][parentId]; if(!localData){ data = loopData(options.data,parentId); }else{ data = localData; } } that.renderData(data,parentId); } //ajax获取数据 Class.prototype.ajaxData = function(thissIndex,parentId){ var that = this; var options = that.config; var response = options.response; var params = {}; if(parentId) params[options.replaceId] = parentId; //先查看缓存有没有 if(parentId && linkSelect.cache[that.key]["localData"][parentId]){ var localdata = linkSelect.cache[that.key]["localData"][parentId]; if(typeof localdata === "string") $("#linkSelectDiv" + that.index).removeClass('layui-form-selected'); that.renderData(localdata,parentId); }else{ $.ajax({ type: options.method || 'get', url: options.url, data: $.extend(params, options.where), dataType: 'json', success: function(res){ if(res[response.statusName] != response.statusCode){ that.renderData(res[response.msgName]); typeof options.error === 'function' && options.error(res); return ; } var data = res[options.response.dataName] || []; if(data.length<=0){ data = "没有下级数据"; $("#linkSelectDiv" + that.index).removeClass('layui-form-selected'); } that.renderData(data,parentId); if(parentId && data.length>0){ linkSelect.cache[that.key]["localData"][parentId] = data; //将已经获取的数据保存缓存 } typeof options.done === 'function' && options.done(res); } ,error: function(e, m){ that.renderData('数据接口请求异常'); typeof options.error === 'function' && options.error(e,m); } }); } }; //数据渲染 Class.prototype.renderData = function(data,parentId){ var that = this, options = that.config; var dom = $("#linkSelectDiv" + that.index); //主dom var conf = { left:160*(that.sindex), options:options, sindex:that.sindex, index: that.index //索引 } if(typeof data === 'string'){ conf["nodata"] = data; }else{ //渲染下拉选项 conf["data"] = data; } var dl = $(laytpl(TPL_DL).render(conf)); var dldom = $(dl); $(dom).append(dldom); that.optionFilter(dldom); that.setDefaultValue(that.sindex,dldom); //设置默认选择 if(parentId) linkSelect.cache[that.key]["localData"][parentId] = data; //保存到本地缓存 }; //设置默认选择 Class.prototype.setDefaultValue = function(index,dl){ var that = this; var options = that.config; var arr = options.selectedArr; //获取默认选中数组 var dds; if(dl){ dds = $(dl).children('dd'); }else{ var DIV = $("#linkSelectDiv" + that.index); dds = DIV.children('dl').children('dd'); } if(arr && dds){ $.each(dds,function(i,item){ if(arr[index]==$(item).attr('lay-value')){ options.selectedArr[index] = ""; $(item).click(); return; } }); } } //表格重载 Class.prototype.reload = function(options){ var that = this; that.config = $.extend({}, that.config, options); linkSelect.reload(that.key, that.config); }; //获取值 Class.prototype.getValue = function(){ var that = this; return linkSelect.cache[that.key]["value"]; //返回缓存中的选中值 }; //暴露模块 exports(MOD_NAME, linkSelect); });