html布局 艺森 - Eason 首页 关于艺森 木制表 腕表动态 联系艺森 售后维修 OVERSEAS 展现独特的世界观 探索 OVERSEAS2 展现独特的世界观2 探索2 OVERSEAS3 展现独特的世界观3 探索3 css样式-public
css样式-public.css banner.css index.css艺森 - Eason
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function Carousel(container,options){ this.initFlag = 1; this.count = 0; var ctrl = this, container = document.querySelector(container); this.options = options; this.wrapper = container.querySelector('.banner-wrapper'); this.items = container.querySelectorAll('.banner-item'); this.itemLen = this.items.length; this.pagination = container.querySelector('.pagination'); this.timer = null; this.init(document); } Carousel.prototype.screenWidth = document.body.clientWidth; Carousel.prototype.init = function(doc){ if(this.initFlag){ this.initFlag = null; }else { console.log('你在尝试初始化两次??'); return; } var c = this; var screenWidth = this.screenWidth, items = this.items, itemLen = items.length, wrapper = this.wrapper, pagination = this.pagination, timer = this.timer, options = this.options; = screenWidth * (itemLen+1) + 'px'; = 'left ' + options.speed + 'ms'; for( var i=0; ithis.itemLen - 1){ = '-'+ c.count * c.screenWidth + 'px'; for(var i =0; i