复制代码 代码如下: select a.name, o.name AS TableName, o.type, a.id, o.object_id, o.schema_id FROM sys.syscolumns AS a INNER JOIN sys.systypes AS b ON a.xtype = b.xtype AND b.name = 'nvarchar' INNER JOIN sys.objects AS o ON a.id = o
select a.name, o.name AS TableName, o.type, a.id, o.object_id, o.schema_id
FROM sys.syscolumns AS a INNER JOIN sys.systypes AS b ON a.xtype = b.xtype
AND b.name = 'nvarchar'
sys.objects AS o ON a.id = o.object_id
WHERE (o.type = 'u')
AND (o.schema_id = 1)