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来源:互联网 收集:自由互联 发布时间:2021-06-30
基于layui-tree源码,自定义了多选择节点方法 /** @Name:layui.tree 树组件 @Author:贤心 @License:MIT */ layui.define('jquery', function(exports){ "use strict"; var $ = layui.$ ,hint = layui.hint(); var enterSkin = 'la

 @Name:layui.tree 树组件
layui.define('jquery', function(exports){
  "use strict";
  var $ = layui.$
  ,hint = layui.hint();
  var enterSkin = 'layui-tree-enter', Tree = function(options){
    this.options = options;
  var icon = {
    arrow: ['', ''] //箭头
    ,checkbox: ['', ''] //复选框
    ,radio: ['', ''] //单选框
    ,branch: ['', ''] //父节点
    ,leaf: '' //叶节点
  Tree.prototype.init = function(elem){
    var that = this;
    elem.addClass('layui-box layui-tree'); //添加tree样式
      elem.addClass('layui-tree-skin-'+ that.options.skin);
  Tree.prototype.tree = function(elem, children){
    var that = this, options = that.options
    var nodes = children || options.nodes;
    layui.each(nodes, function(index, item){
      var hasChild = item.children && item.children.length > 0;
      var ul = $('
    '); var li = $(['
  • ' //展开箭头 ,function(){ return hasChild ? ''+ ( item.spread ? icon.arrow[1] : icon.arrow[0] ) +'' : ''; }() //复选框/单选框 ,function(){ return options.check ? ( ''+ ( options.check === 'checkbox' ? icon.checkbox[0] : ( options.check === 'radio' ? icon.radio[0] : '' ) ) +'' ) : ''; }() //节点 ,function(){ //****自定义替换name 开始 var name = item.name; if(that.options.replaceName) name = item[that.options.replaceName]; //****自定义替换name 结束 return '' + (''+ ( hasChild ? ( item.spread ? icon.branch[1] : icon.branch[0] ) : icon.leaf ) +'') //节点图标 + (''+ (name||'未命名') +''); }() ,'
  • '].join('')); //如果有子节点,则递归继续生成树 if(hasChild){ li.append(ul); that.tree(ul, item.children); } elem.append(li); //触发点击节点回调 typeof options.click === 'function' && that.click(li, item); //伸展节点 that.spread(li, item); //选择节点 that.check(li, item); //拖拽节点 options.drag && that.drag(li, item); }); }; //点击节点回调 Tree.prototype.click = function(elem, item){ var that = this, options = that.options; elem.children('a').on('click', function(e){ layui.stope(e); options.click(item,elem); }); }; //伸展节点 Tree.prototype.spread = function(elem, item){ var that = this, options = that.options; var arrow = elem.children('.layui-tree-spread') var ul = elem.children('ul'), a = elem.children('a'); //执行伸展 var open = function(){ if(elem.data('spread')){ elem.data('spread', null) ul.removeClass('layui-show'); arrow.html(icon.arrow[0]); a.find('.layui-icon').html(icon.branch[0]); } else { elem.data('spread', true); ul.addClass('layui-show'); arrow.html(icon.arrow[1]); a.find('.layui-icon').html(icon.branch[1]); } }; //如果没有子节点,则不执行 if(!ul[0]) return; arrow.on('click', open); a.on('dblclick', open); } //*****自定义 选择节点 Tree.prototype.check = function(elem, item){ var that = this, options = that.options; var checkbox = elem.children('.layui-tree-check'); var li = elem.find('ul li'),licheckbox = elem.find('ul li .layui-tree-check'); //执行选择 var check = function(){ if(elem.data('checked')){ //默认选中 li.data('checked', null); elem.data('checked', null); item.checked = null; eachChildren(item,null); checkbox.html(icon.checkbox[0]); licheckbox.html(icon.checkbox[0]); } else { //默认不选中 li.data('checked', true); elem.data('checked', true); item.checked = true; eachChildren(item,true); checkbox.html(icon.checkbox[1]); licheckbox.html(icon.checkbox[1]); } }; var eachChildren = function(item,value){ layui.each(item.children,function(index,it){ it.checked = value; eachChildren(it,value); }); } //如果没有设置check,则不执行 if(!options.check) return; checkbox.on('click', check); } //****自定义 返回选中回调 Tree.prototype.getChecked = function(node){ var that = this; var nodes = node||that.options.nodes; var checkedArr = []; layui.each(nodes, function(index, item){ if(item.checked!=null&&item.checked){ checkedArr.push(item); } if(item.children!=null&&item.children.length>0){ checkedArr = checkedArr.concat(that.getChecked(item.children)); } }); return checkedArr; }; //通用事件 Tree.prototype.on = function(elem){ var that = this, options = that.options; var dragStr = 'layui-tree-drag'; //屏蔽选中文字 elem.find('i').on('selectstart', function(e){ return false }); //拖拽 if(options.drag){ $(document).on('mousemove', function(e){ var move = that.move; if(move.from){ var to = move.to, treeMove = $(''); e.preventDefault(); $('.' + dragStr)[0] || $('body').append(treeMove); var dragElem = $('.' + dragStr)[0] ? $('.' + dragStr) : treeMove; (dragElem).addClass('layui-show').html(move.from.elem.children('a').html()); dragElem.css({ left: e.pageX + 10 ,top: e.pageY + 10 }) } }).on('mouseup', function(){ var move = that.move; if(move.from){ move.from.elem.children('a').removeClass(enterSkin); move.to && move.to.elem.children('a').removeClass(enterSkin); that.move = {}; $('.' + dragStr).remove(); } }); } }; //拖拽节点 Tree.prototype.move = {}; Tree.prototype.drag = function(elem, item){ var that = this, options = that.options; var a = elem.children('a'), mouseenter = function(){ var othis = $(this), move = that.move; if(move.from){ move.to = { item: item ,elem: elem }; othis.addClass(enterSkin); } }; a.on('mousedown', function(){ var move = that.move move.from = { item: item ,elem: elem }; }); a.on('mouseenter', mouseenter).on('mousemove', mouseenter) .on('mouseleave', function(){ var othis = $(this), move = that.move; if(move.from){ delete move.to; othis.removeClass(enterSkin); } }); }; //暴露接口 exports('tree', function(options){ var tree = new Tree(options = options || {}); var elem = $(options.elem); if(!elem[0]){ return hint.error('layui.tree 没有找到'+ options.elem +'元素'); } tree.init(elem); return tree; }); });