400行代码实现简单的mvc框架,框架代码包含在入口文件中没有其他的加载,提供了mvc框架的基本功能,使用简单可以通过加载其他类库进行扩展。代码中已提供简单的例子。 classs文件夹
1. [图片] xxx.jpg
2. [代码]入口文件index.php
<?php $endrun=false; define("IN_APP",true); //定义目录 define("CONTROLLERS_DIR",dirname(__FILE__).DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR.'controllers'.DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR); define("VIEWS_DIR",dirname(__FILE__).DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR.'views'.DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR); define("MODELS_DIR",dirname(__FILE__).DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR.'models'.DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR); define("CONFIG_DIR",dirname(__FILE__).DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR.'config'.DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR); define("CLASSS_DIR",dirname(__FILE__).DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR.'classs'.DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR); define("CONFIG_FILE",'config.php'); //加载配置文件 if(file_exists(CONFIG_DIR.CONFIG_FILE)) { require_once(CONFIG_DIR.CONFIG_FILE); } //初始化 function inti() { register_shutdown_function('shutdown_func'); if(version_compare(PHP_VERSION,'5.4.0','<')) { ini_set('magic_quotes_runtime',0); } if(get_config('session')=='on') { session_start(); } if(get_config('charset')!=null) { ini_set('default_charset',get_config('charset')); } if(get_config('appname')!=null) { header('X-Powered-By:'.get_config('appname')); } if(get_config('timezone')!=null) { ini_set('date.timezone',get_config('timezone')); } if(get_config('debug')!=null) { if(get_config('debug')==false) { ini_set("display_errors", "off"); } if(get_config('debug')==true) { ini_set("display_errors", "on"); } } } //获取配置 function get_config($key) { if(isset($GLOBALS['config'])) { if(is_array($GLOBALS['config'])) { if(array_key_exists($key,$GLOBALS['config'])) { return $GLOBALS['config'][$key]; } } } return null; } //判断请求方法 function is_method($method) { $m=$_SERVER['REQUEST_METHOD']; if(strtoupper($method)==$m) { return true; } return false; } //判断是否是ajax请求 function is_ajax() { if(isset($_SERVER['HTTP_X_REQUESTED_WITH'])&&strtolower($_SERVER['HTTP_X_REQUESTED_WITH']) == 'xmlhttprequest') { return true; } else { return false; } } //设置、获取session function session($name,$value=null) { if($value!=null) { $_SESSION[$name]=$value; return; } else { if(isset($_SESSION[$name])) { return $_SESSION[$name]; } else { return false; } } } //删除session function unsession($name) { if(isset($_SESSION[$name])) { unset($_SESSION[$name]); } } //设置、获取cookie function cookie($name,$value=null,$expire=null,$path=null,$domain=null) { if($value!=null) { setcookie($name,$value); if($expire!=null) { setcookie($name,$value,time()+$expire); if($path!=null) { setcookie($name,$value,time()+$expire,$path); if($domain!=null) { setcookie($name,$value,time()+$expire,$path,$domain); } } } return; } else { if(isset($_COOKIE[$name])) { return $_COOKIE[$name]; } else { return false; } } } //删除cookie function uncookie($name) { if(isset($_COOKIE[$name])) { setcookie($name, "", time()-3600); } } //发送http请求 //$params="{user:\"admin\",pwd:\"admin\"}"; //$headers=array('Content-type: text/json',"id: $ID","key:$Key"); function http_request($URL,$type,$params,$headers){ $ch=curl_init(); $timeout=5; curl_setopt ($ch,CURLOPT_URL,$URL); if($headers!="") { curl_setopt($ch,CURLOPT_HTTPHEADER,$headers); } else { curl_setopt($ch,CURLOPT_HTTPHEADER,array('Content-Type:application/json')); } curl_setopt($ch,CURLOPT_RETURNTRANSFER,1); curl_setopt($ch,CURLOPT_CONNECTTIMEOUT,$timeout); switch($type) { case "GET": curl_setopt($ch,CURLOPT_HTTPGET,true); break; case "POST": curl_setopt($ch,CURLOPT_POST,true); curl_setopt($ch,CURLOPT_POSTFIELDS,$params); break; case "PUT": curl_setopt($ch,CURLOPT_CUSTOMREQUEST,"PUT"); curl_setopt($ch,CURLOPT_POSTFIELDS,$params); break; case "DELETE": curl_setopt($ch,CURLOPT_CUSTOMREQUEST, "DELETE"); curl_setopt($ch,CURLOPT_POSTFIELDS,$params); break; } $file_contents=curl_exec($ch); return $file_contents; curl_close($ch); } //获取post变量 function post($name,$type='str') { if(isset($_POST[$name])) { if($type=='str') { return $_POST[$name]; } if($type=="int") { if($_POST[$name]===intval($_POST[$name]).'') { return intval($_POST[$name]); } } } return false; } //获取get变量 function get($name,$type='str') { if(isset($_GET[$name])) { if($type=='str') { return $_GET[$name]; } if($type=="int") { if($_GET[$name]===intval($_GET[$name]).'') { return intval($_GET[$name]); } } } return false; } //页面跳转 function redirect($url) { header('Location:'.$url); return; } //载入model function model($name) { $name.='_model'; if(file_exists(MODELS_DIR.$name.'.php')) { require_once(MODELS_DIR.$name.'.php'); if(class_exists($name)) { $c=new $name; return $c; } } return false; } //载入class function load_class($name) { if(file_exists(CLASSS_DIR.$name.'.php')) { require_once(CLASSS_DIR.$name.'.php'); } } //代码结束时执行 function shutdown_func() { if(!$GLOBALS['endrun']) { status(500); } } //匹配路由 function map() { $request_url=$_SERVER['REQUEST_URI']; if($request_url=='/') { instance('index','index'); } else { $a=explode('/',$request_url); $length=count($a); $c=$a[1]; if($length>=3) { $m=$a[2]; if($m=="") { instance($c,$c); } else { instance($c,$m); } } else { instance($c,$c); } } $GLOBALS['endrun']=true; } //执行请求对应方法 function instance($c,$m) { $c.='_controller'; $m.='_action'; if(file_exists(CONTROLLERS_DIR.$c.'.php')) { require_once(CONTROLLERS_DIR.$c.'.php'); if(class_exists($c)) { if(method_exists($c,$m)) { $r=new $c; $r->$m(); } else { status(404); } } else { status(404); } } else { status(404); } } //返回错误 function status($code) { if($code==404) { header('HTTP/1.1 404 Not Found'); text('404 错误!'); return; } if($code==500) { header('HTTP/1.1 500 Internal Server Error'); text('500 错误!'); return; } } //输出json function json($arr) { header('content-type:application/json; charset=utf-8'); if(is_array($arr)) { echo json_encode($arr); return; } echo json_decode(array('code'=>0,'message'=>'parameter error')); } //返回json信息 function message($code,$str,$data=null) { $a=array("code"=>$code,"message"=>$str,"data"=>$data); json($a); } //输出text function text($str) { header('content-type:text/plain; charset=utf-8'); echo $str; } //渲染视图 function render($view,$data = null) { $path=VIEWS_DIR.$view.'.php'; if(file_exists($path)) { header('content-type:text/html; charset=utf-8'); ob_start(); if(is_array($data)) { extract($data); } require $path; echo trim(ob_get_clean()); } else { text('template not found'); } } //运行 function run() { inti(); map(); } run(); ?>
3. [代码]配置文件config.php
<?php $config=array( 'appname'=>'myapp', 'debug'=>true, 'timezone'=>'Asia/Shanghai', 'session'=>'on', 'server'=>'localhost', 'username'=>'root', 'password'=>'root', ); ?>
4. [代码]控制器index_controller
<?php class index_controller { public function index_action() { if(!session("username")) { redirect("/index/login"); } $article=model("article"); $list=$article->get_list(session("username")); render("index",array("username"=>session("username"),"list"=>$list)); } public function login_action() { render("login"); } public function login_ajax_action() { if(is_ajax()) { $username=post("username","str"); $password=post("password","str"); if($username=='test'&&$password=='test') { session("username",$username); message(1,"登录成功!"); } else { message(0,"用户名或密码错误!"); } } } } ?>
5. [代码]数据模型article_model.php
<?php class article_model { function get_list($name) { $list=array('php代码1','php代码2','php代码3'); return $list; } } ?>
6. [代码]视图文件login.php
<!DOCTYPE html> <html> <head> <meta http-equiv="Content-Type" content="text/html; charset=utf-8" /> <meta name="viewport" content="width=device-width,initial-scale=1.0,minimum-scale=1.0"/> <title>login</title> <script type="text/javascript" src="/public/js/jquery-1.11.1.js"></script> </head> <body> <input type="text" id="username"> <input type="text" id="password"> <button id="login">登录</button> <script> $(function() { $("#login").click(function(){ var username=$("#username").val(); var password=$("#password").val(); if(username==""||password=="") { return; } $.ajax({ type: "POST", url: "/index/login_ajax", data: {username:username,password:password}, dataType: "json", success: function(data){ if(data.code==1) { window.location.href='/index'; } else { alert(data.message); return; } }, error:function() { alert("提交失败!"); } }); }); }); </script> </body> </html>
7. [代码]视图文件index.php
<!DOCTYPE html> <html> <head> <meta http-equiv="Content-Type" content="text/html; charset=utf-8" /> <meta name="viewport" content="width=device-width,initial-scale=1.0,minimum-scale=1.0"/> <title>index</title> <script type="text/javascript" src="/public/js/jquery-1.11.1.js"></script> </head> <body> <h1><?php echo $username; ?></h1> <ul> <?php foreach($list as $item): ?> <li><?php echo $item; ?></li> <?php endforeach; ?> </ul> </body> </html>
8. [代码].htaccess文件
RewriteEngine On RewriteCond %{REQUEST_FILENAME} !-f RewriteCond %{REQUEST_FILENAME} !-d RewriteRule ^(.*)$ index.php [QSA,L]
9. [代码]推荐数据库操作类库medoo
<?php /*! * Medoo database framework * http://medoo.in * Version 1.0 * * Copyright 2015, Angel Lai * Released under the MIT license */ class medoo { // General protected $database_type; protected $charset; protected $database_name; // For MySQL, MariaDB, MSSQL, Sybase, PostgreSQL, Oracle protected $server; protected $username; protected $password; // For SQLite protected $database_file; // For MySQL or MariaDB with unix_socket protected $socket; // Optional protected $port; protected $prefix; protected $option = array(); // Variable protected $logs = array(); protected $debug_mode = false; public function __construct($options = null) { try { $commands = array(); $dsn = ''; if (is_array($options)) { foreach ($options as $option => $value) { $this->$option = $value; } } else { return false; } if ( isset($this->port) && is_int($this->port * 1) ) { $port = $this->port; } $type = strtolower($this->database_type); $is_port = isset($port); if (isset($options[ 'prefix' ])) { $this->prefix = $options[ 'prefix' ]; } switch ($type) { case 'mariadb': $type = 'mysql'; case 'mysql': if ($this->socket) { $dsn = $type . ':unix_socket=' . $this->socket . ';dbname=' . $this->database_name; } else { $dsn = $type . ':host=' . $this->server . ($is_port ? ';port=' . $port : '') . ';dbname=' . $this->database_name; } // Make MySQL using standard quoted identifier $commands[] = 'SET SQL_MODE=ANSI_QUOTES'; break; case 'pgsql': $dsn = $type . ':host=' . $this->server . ($is_port ? ';port=' . $port : '') . ';dbname=' . $this->database_name; break; case 'sybase': $dsn = 'dblib:host=' . $this->server . ($is_port ? ':' . $port : '') . ';dbname=' . $this->database_name; break; case 'oracle': $dbname = $this->server ? '//' . $this->server . ($is_port ? ':' . $port : ':1521') . '/' . $this->database_name : $this->database_name; $dsn = 'oci:dbname=' . $dbname . ($this->charset ? ';charset=' . $this->charset : ''); break; case 'mssql': $dsn = strstr(PHP_OS, 'WIN') ? 'sqlsrv:server=' . $this->server . ($is_port ? ',' . $port : '') . ';database=' . $this->database_name : 'dblib:host=' . $this->server . ($is_port ? ':' . $port : '') . ';dbname=' . $this->database_name; // Keep MSSQL QUOTED_IDENTIFIER is ON for standard quoting $commands[] = 'SET QUOTED_IDENTIFIER ON'; break; case 'sqlite': $dsn = $type . ':' . $this->database_file; $this->username = null; $this->password = null; break; } if ( in_array($type, explode(' ', 'mariadb mysql pgsql sybase mssql')) && $this->charset ) { $commands[] = "SET NAMES '" . $this->charset . "'"; } $this->pdo = new PDO( $dsn, $this->username, $this->password, $this->option ); foreach ($commands as $value) { $this->pdo->exec($value); } } catch (PDOException $e) { throw new Exception($e->getMessage()); } } public function query($query) { if ($this->debug_mode) { echo $query; $this->debug_mode = false; return false; } array_push($this->logs, $query); return $this->pdo->query($query); } public function exec($query) { if ($this->debug_mode) { echo $query; $this->debug_mode = false; return false; } array_push($this->logs, $query); return $this->pdo->exec($query); } public function quote($string) { return $this->pdo->quote($string); } protected function column_quote($string) { return '"' . str_replace('.', '"."', preg_replace('/(^#|\(JSON\)\s*)/', '', $string)) . '"'; } protected function column_push($columns) { if ($columns == '*') { return $columns; } if (is_string($columns)) { $columns = array($columns); } $stack = array(); foreach ($columns as $key => $value) { preg_match('/([a-zA-Z0-9_\-\.]*)\s*\(([a-zA-Z0-9_\-]*)\)/i', $value, $match); if (isset($match[ 1 ], $match[ 2 ])) { array_push($stack, $this->column_quote( $match[ 1 ] ) . ' AS ' . $this->column_quote( $match[ 2 ] )); } else { array_push($stack, $this->column_quote( $value )); } } return implode($stack, ','); } protected function array_quote($array) { $temp = array(); foreach ($array as $value) { $temp[] = is_int($value) ? $value : $this->pdo->quote($value); } return implode($temp, ','); } protected function inner_conjunct($data, $conjunctor, $outer_conjunctor) { $haystack = array(); foreach ($data as $value) { $haystack[] = '(' . $this->data_implode($value, $conjunctor) . ')'; } return implode($outer_conjunctor . ' ', $haystack); } protected function fn_quote($column, $string) { return (strpos($column, '#') === 0 && preg_match('/^[A-Z0-9\_]*\([^)]*\)$/', $string)) ? $string : $this->quote($string); } protected function data_implode($data, $conjunctor, $outer_conjunctor = null) { $wheres = array(); foreach ($data as $key => $value) { $type = gettype($value); if ( preg_match("/^(AND|OR)(\s+#.*)?$/i", $key, $relation_match) && $type == 'array' ) { $wheres[] = 0 !== count(array_diff_key($value, array_keys(array_keys($value)))) ? '(' . $this->data_implode($value, ' ' . $relation_match[ 1 ]) . ')' : '(' . $this->inner_conjunct($value, ' ' . $relation_match[ 1 ], $conjunctor) . ')'; } else { preg_match('/(#?)([\w\.\-]+)(\[(\>|\>\=|\<|\<\=|\!|\<\>|\>\<|\!?~)\])?/i', $key, $match); $column = $this->column_quote($match[ 2 ]); if (isset($match[ 4 ])) { $operator = $match[ 4 ]; if ($operator == '!') { switch ($type) { case 'NULL': $wheres[] = $column . ' IS NOT NULL'; break; case 'array': $wheres[] = $column . ' NOT IN (' . $this->array_quote($value) . ')'; break; case 'integer': case 'double': $wheres[] = $column . ' != ' . $value; break; case 'boolean': $wheres[] = $column . ' != ' . ($value ? '1' : '0'); break; case 'string': $wheres[] = $column . ' != ' . $this->fn_quote($key, $value); break; } } if ($operator == '<>' || $operator == '><') { if ($type == 'array') { if ($operator == '><') { $column .= ' NOT'; } if (is_numeric($value[ 0 ]) && is_numeric($value[ 1 ])) { $wheres[] = '(' . $column . ' BETWEEN ' . $value[ 0 ] . ' AND ' . $value[ 1 ] . ')'; } else { $wheres[] = '(' . $column . ' BETWEEN ' . $this->quote($value[ 0 ]) . ' AND ' . $this->quote($value[ 1 ]) . ')'; } } } if ($operator == '~' || $operator == '!~') { if ($type == 'string') { $value = array($value); } if (!empty($value)) { $like_clauses = array(); foreach ($value as $item) { if (preg_match('/^(?!%).+(?<!%)$/', $item)) { $item = '%' . $item . '%'; } $like_clauses[] = $column . ($operator === '!~' ? ' NOT' : '') . ' LIKE ' . $this->fn_quote($key, $item); } $wheres[] = implode(' OR ', $like_clauses); } } if (in_array($operator, array('>', '>=', '<', '<='))) { if (is_numeric($value)) { $wheres[] = $column . ' ' . $operator . ' ' . $value; } elseif (strpos($key, '#') === 0) { $wheres[] = $column . ' ' . $operator . ' ' . $this->fn_quote($key, $value); } else { $wheres[] = $column . ' ' . $operator . ' ' . $this->quote($value); } } } else { switch ($type) { case 'NULL': $wheres[] = $column . ' IS NULL'; break; case 'array': $wheres[] = $column . ' IN (' . $this->array_quote($value) . ')'; break; case 'integer': case 'double': $wheres[] = $column . ' = ' . $value; break; case 'boolean': $wheres[] = $column . ' = ' . ($value ? '1' : '0'); break; case 'string': $wheres[] = $column . ' = ' . $this->fn_quote($key, $value); break; } } } } return implode($conjunctor . ' ', $wheres); } protected function where_clause($where) { $where_clause = ''; if (is_array($where)) { $where_keys = array_keys($where); $where_AND = preg_grep("/^AND\s*#?$/i", $where_keys); $where_OR = preg_grep("/^OR\s*#?$/i", $where_keys); $single_condition = array_diff_key($where, array_flip( explode(' ', 'AND OR GROUP ORDER HAVING LIMIT LIKE MATCH') )); if ($single_condition != array()) { $where_clause = ' WHERE ' . $this->data_implode($single_condition, ''); } if (!empty($where_AND)) { $value = array_values($where_AND); $where_clause = ' WHERE ' . $this->data_implode($where[ $value[ 0 ] ], ' AND'); } if (!empty($where_OR)) { $value = array_values($where_OR); $where_clause = ' WHERE ' . $this->data_implode($where[ $value[ 0 ] ], ' OR'); } if (isset($where[ 'MATCH' ])) { $MATCH = $where[ 'MATCH' ]; if (is_array($MATCH) && isset($MATCH[ 'columns' ], $MATCH[ 'keyword' ])) { $where_clause .= ($where_clause != '' ? ' AND ' : ' WHERE ') . ' MATCH ("' . str_replace('.', '"."', implode($MATCH[ 'columns' ], '", "')) . '") AGAINST (' . $this->quote($MATCH[ 'keyword' ]) . ')'; } } if (isset($where[ 'GROUP' ])) { $where_clause .= ' GROUP BY ' . $this->column_quote($where[ 'GROUP' ]); if (isset($where[ 'HAVING' ])) { $where_clause .= ' HAVING ' . $this->data_implode($where[ 'HAVING' ], ' AND'); } } if (isset($where[ 'ORDER' ])) { $rsort = '/(^[a-zA-Z0-9_\-\.]*)(\s*(DESC|ASC))?/'; $ORDER = $where[ 'ORDER' ]; if (is_array($ORDER)) { if ( isset($ORDER[ 1 ]) && is_array($ORDER[ 1 ]) ) { $where_clause .= ' ORDER BY FIELD(' . $this->column_quote($ORDER[ 0 ]) . ', ' . $this->array_quote($ORDER[ 1 ]) . ')'; } else { $stack = array(); foreach ($ORDER as $column) { preg_match($rsort, $column, $order_match); array_push($stack, '"' . str_replace('.', '"."', $order_match[ 1 ]) . '"' . (isset($order_match[ 3 ]) ? ' ' . $order_match[ 3 ] : '')); } $where_clause .= ' ORDER BY ' . implode($stack, ','); } } else { preg_match($rsort, $ORDER, $order_match); $where_clause .= ' ORDER BY "' . str_replace('.', '"."', $order_match[ 1 ]) . '"' . (isset($order_match[ 3 ]) ? ' ' . $order_match[ 3 ] : ''); } } if (isset($where[ 'LIMIT' ])) { $LIMIT = $where[ 'LIMIT' ]; if (is_numeric($LIMIT)) { $where_clause .= ' LIMIT ' . $LIMIT; } if ( is_array($LIMIT) && is_numeric($LIMIT[ 0 ]) && is_numeric($LIMIT[ 1 ]) ) { if ($this->database_type === 'pgsql') { $where_clause .= ' OFFSET ' . $LIMIT[ 0 ] . ' LIMIT ' . $LIMIT[ 1 ]; } else { $where_clause .= ' LIMIT ' . $LIMIT[ 0 ] . ',' . $LIMIT[ 1 ]; } } } } else { if ($where != null) { $where_clause .= ' ' . $where; } } return $where_clause; } protected function select_context($table, $join, &$columns = null, $where = null, $column_fn = null) { $table = '"' . $this->prefix . $table . '"'; $join_key = is_array($join) ? array_keys($join) : null; if ( isset($join_key[ 0 ]) && strpos($join_key[ 0 ], '[') === 0 ) { $table_join = array(); $join_array = array( '>' => 'LEFT', '<' => 'RIGHT', '<>' => 'FULL', '><' => 'INNER' ); foreach($join as $sub_table => $relation) { preg_match('/(\[(\<|\>|\>\<|\<\>)\])?([a-zA-Z0-9_\-]*)\s?(\(([a-zA-Z0-9_\-]*)\))?/', $sub_table, $match); if ($match[ 2 ] != '' && $match[ 3 ] != '') { if (is_string($relation)) { $relation = 'USING ("' . $relation . '")'; } if (is_array($relation)) { // For ['column1', 'column2'] if (isset($relation[ 0 ])) { $relation = 'USING ("' . implode($relation, '", "') . '")'; } else { $joins = array(); foreach ($relation as $key => $value) { $joins[] = ( strpos($key, '.') > 0 ? // For ['tableB.column' => 'column'] '"' . str_replace('.', '"."', $key) . '"' : // For ['column1' => 'column2'] $table . '."' . $key . '"' ) . ' = ' . '"' . (isset($match[ 5 ]) ? $match[ 5 ] : $match[ 3 ]) . '"."' . $value . '"'; } $relation = 'ON ' . implode($joins, ' AND '); } } $table_join[] = $join_array[ $match[ 2 ] ] . ' JOIN "' . $match[ 3 ] . '" ' . (isset($match[ 5 ]) ? 'AS "' . $match[ 5 ] . '" ' : '') . $relation; } } $table .= ' ' . implode($table_join, ' '); } else { if (is_null($columns)) { if (is_null($where)) { if ( is_array($join) && isset($column_fn) ) { $where = $join; $columns = null; } else { $where = null; $columns = $join; } } else { $where = $join; $columns = null; } } else { $where = $columns; $columns = $join; } } if (isset($column_fn)) { if ($column_fn == 1) { $column = '1'; if (is_null($where)) { $where = $columns; } } else { if (empty($columns)) { $columns = '*'; $where = $join; } $column = $column_fn . '(' . $this->column_push($columns) . ')'; } } else { $column = $this->column_push($columns); } return 'SELECT ' . $column . ' FROM ' . $table . $this->where_clause($where); } public function select($table, $join, $columns = null, $where = null) { $query = $this->query($this->select_context($table, $join, $columns, $where)); return $query ? $query->fetchAll( (is_string($columns) && $columns != '*') ? PDO::FETCH_COLUMN : PDO::FETCH_ASSOC ) : false; } public function insert($table, $datas) { $lastId = array(); // Check indexed or associative array if (!isset($datas[ 0 ])) { $datas = array($datas); } foreach ($datas as $data) { $values = array(); $columns = array(); foreach ($data as $key => $value) { array_push($columns, $this->column_quote($key)); switch (gettype($value)) { case 'NULL': $values[] = 'NULL'; break; case 'array': preg_match("/\(JSON\)\s*([\w]+)/i", $key, $column_match); $values[] = isset($column_match[ 0 ]) ? $this->quote(json_encode($value)) : $this->quote(serialize($value)); break; case 'boolean': $values[] = ($value ? '1' : '0'); break; case 'integer': case 'double': case 'string': $values[] = $this->fn_quote($key, $value); break; } } $this->exec('INSERT INTO "' . $this->prefix . $table . '" (' . implode(', ', $columns) . ') VALUES (' . implode($values, ', ') . ')'); $lastId[] = $this->pdo->lastInsertId(); } return count($lastId) > 1 ? $lastId : $lastId[ 0 ]; } public function update($table, $data, $where = null) { $fields = array(); foreach ($data as $key => $value) { preg_match('/([\w]+)(\[(\+|\-|\*|\/)\])?/i', $key, $match); if (isset($match[ 3 ])) { if (is_numeric($value)) { $fields[] = $this->column_quote($match[ 1 ]) . ' = ' . $this->column_quote($match[ 1 ]) . ' ' . $match[ 3 ] . ' ' . $value; } } else { $column = $this->column_quote($key); switch (gettype($value)) { case 'NULL': $fields[] = $column . ' = NULL'; break; case 'array': preg_match("/\(JSON\)\s*([\w]+)/i", $key, $column_match); $fields[] = $column . ' = ' . $this->quote( isset($column_match[ 0 ]) ? json_encode($value) : serialize($value) ); break; case 'boolean': $fields[] = $column . ' = ' . ($value ? '1' : '0'); break; case 'integer': case 'double': case 'string': $fields[] = $column . ' = ' . $this->fn_quote($key, $value); break; } } } return $this->exec('UPDATE "' . $this->prefix . $table . '" SET ' . implode(', ', $fields) . $this->where_clause($where)); } public function delete($table, $where) { return $this->exec('DELETE FROM "' . $this->prefix . $table . '"' . $this->where_clause($where)); } public function replace($table, $columns, $search = null, $replace = null, $where = null) { if (is_array($columns)) { $replace_query = array(); foreach ($columns as $column => $replacements) { foreach ($replacements as $replace_search => $replace_replacement) { $replace_query[] = $column . ' = REPLACE(' . $this->column_quote($column) . ', ' . $this->quote($replace_search) . ', ' . $this->quote($replace_replacement) . ')'; } } $replace_query = implode(', ', $replace_query); $where = $search; } else { if (is_array($search)) { $replace_query = array(); foreach ($search as $replace_search => $replace_replacement) { $replace_query[] = $columns . ' = REPLACE(' . $this->column_quote($columns) . ', ' . $this->quote($replace_search) . ', ' . $this->quote($replace_replacement) . ')'; } $replace_query = implode(', ', $replace_query); $where = $replace; } else { $replace_query = $columns . ' = REPLACE(' . $this->column_quote($columns) . ', ' . $this->quote($search) . ', ' . $this->quote($replace) . ')'; } } return $this->exec('UPDATE "' . $this->prefix . $table . '" SET ' . $replace_query . $this->where_clause($where)); } public function get($table, $join = null, $column = null, $where = null) { $query = $this->query($this->select_context($table, $join, $column, $where) . ' LIMIT 1'); if ($query) { $data = $query->fetchAll(PDO::FETCH_ASSOC); if (isset($data[ 0 ])) { $column = $where == null ? $join : $column; if (is_string($column) && $column != '*') { return $data[ 0 ][ $column ]; } return $data[ 0 ]; } else { return false; } } else { return false; } } public function has($table, $join, $where = null) { $column = null; $query = $this->query('SELECT EXISTS(' . $this->select_context($table, $join, $column, $where, 1) . ')'); return $query ? $query->fetchColumn() === '1' : false; } public function count($table, $join = null, $column = null, $where = null) { $query = $this->query($this->select_context($table, $join, $column, $where, 'COUNT')); return $query ? 0 + $query->fetchColumn() : false; } public function max($table, $join, $column = null, $where = null) { $query = $this->query($this->select_context($table, $join, $column, $where, 'MAX')); if ($query) { $max = $query->fetchColumn(); return is_numeric($max) ? $max + 0 : $max; } else { return false; } } public function min($table, $join, $column = null, $where = null) { $query = $this->query($this->select_context($table, $join, $column, $where, 'MIN')); if ($query) { $min = $query->fetchColumn(); return is_numeric($min) ? $min + 0 : $min; } else { return false; } } public function avg($table, $join, $column = null, $where = null) { $query = $this->query($this->select_context($table, $join, $column, $where, 'AVG')); return $query ? 0 + $query->fetchColumn() : false; } public function sum($table, $join, $column = null, $where = null) { $query = $this->query($this->select_context($table, $join, $column, $where, 'SUM')); return $query ? 0 + $query->fetchColumn() : false; } public function action($actions) { if (is_callable($actions)) { $this->pdo->beginTransaction(); $result = $actions($this); if ($result === false) { $this->pdo->rollBack(); } else { $this->pdo->commit(); } } else { return false; } } public function debug() { $this->debug_mode = true; return $this; } public function error() { return $this->pdo->errorInfo(); } public function last_query() { return end($this->logs); } public function log() { return $this->logs; } public function info() { $output = array( 'server' => 'SERVER_INFO', 'driver' => 'DRIVER_NAME', 'client' => 'CLIENT_VERSION', 'version' => 'SERVER_VERSION', 'connection' => 'CONNECTION_STATUS' ); foreach ($output as $key => $value) { $output[ $key ] = $this->pdo->getAttribute(constant('PDO::ATTR_' . $value)); } return $output; } } ?>