原创。 通过HTML5canvas创造由18个菱形构成的齿轮,并产生动画效果。 Ananimationismadeofthewheelconsisting18diamends.Thewheelisrotating andtranslating. 效果见: http://runjs.cn/detail/6aqbajzl 1. [代码] HTML5 canv
通过 HTML5 canvas 创造由18个菱形构成的齿轮,并产生动画效果。
An animation is made of the wheel consisting 18 diamends. The wheel is rotating
and translating.
1. [代码]HTML5 canvas animation 动画
<html> <head> <meta charset="GB2312" /> <title>rhombus 菱形</title> <script> var color = new Array(18); var name= new Array("国","中","源","开","*","*"); var d=30; // 菱形的高度(长轴) var radius=0; //菱形轮圈的半径 var x0=200; var y0=220; var larger=1; var alpha=0; var eastwards=1; function createColor(){ for (i=0;i<color.length;i++) color[i]=randomColor(); } function drawDiamond(){ var g=document.getElementById("canvas").getContext("2d"); /* 一个菱形多边形各顶点位置数据 */ var xPoints = new Array( radius-d,radius,radius+ d, radius); var yPoints = new Array(2*d+radius, 4*d+radius, 2*d+radius, radius); g.clearRect(x0-600 ,y0-600 ,1200,1200); g.font= '60px ARIAL'; g.fillStyle="orange"; g.fillText("Open source,China",20,60); g.save(); g.translate(x0,y0); g.rotate(Math.PI*alpha); var index=0; for (var count = 0; count < 18 ; count++ ) { g.rotate( Math.PI /9); // 坐标系旋转20度 fillPolygon( xPoints,yPoints,color[count],g) // 以这种随机颜色,填充菱形 g.beginPath(); g.arc(0,4*d,d*0.2,0,2*Math.PI); g.fillStyle="red"; g.fill(); g.fillStyle="blue"; g.font= d*0.8 + 'px 楷体'; g.fillText(name[index++%name.length], d*0.35, d*4.2); g.font= d*0.5 + 'px ARIAL'; g.fillStyle="orange"; g.fillText("open source",d*0.8,d*0.2); } if (eastwards==1) x0=x0+2; else x0=x0-2; if (x0>=1100) eastwards=0; if (x0<=100) eastwards=1; g.restore(); if(larger==1) { d=d+0.5; alpha = alpha + 0.005; }else { d=d-0.5; alpha = alpha - 0.005; } if (d>=50) larger=0; if (d<=1) larger=1; } function randomColor(){ var s ="#"; for (var i=0;i<3;i++) s += Math.floor(Math.random()*16).toString(16); return s; } function fillPolygon(x,y,color,ctx){ ctx.beginPath(); ctx.moveTo(x[0],y[0]); for (var i=1;i<x.length;i++) ctx.lineTo(x[i],y[i]); ctx.closePath(); ctx.fillStyle=color; ctx.fill(); } function preparation(){ createColor(); setInterval('drawDiamond()',100); } </script> <style> #canvas{ z-index:5; position:absolute; left:0px; top:0px; width:1400px; height:600px; } </style> </head> <body onload="preparation()"> <canvas id="canvas" width="1400" height="600" > <p>Your browserdoes not support the canvas element!</p> </canvas> </body> </html>