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一个php 生成zip文件的类

来源:互联网 收集:自由互联 发布时间:2021-07-03
?php /* By: Matt Ford Purpose: Basic class to create zipfiles */ class zipFile { public $files = array(); public $settings = NULL; public $fileInfo = array ( "name" = "", "numFiles" = 0, "fullFilePath" = "" ); private $fileHash = ""; privat
        By:         Matt Ford
        Purpose:    Basic class to create zipfiles
class zipFile {
    public $files = array();
    public $settings = NULL;
    public $fileInfo = array (
            "name" => "",
            "numFiles" => 0,
            "fullFilePath" => ""
    private $fileHash = "";
    private $zip = "";
    public function __construct($settings) {
    public function zipFile($settings) {
        $this->zip = new ZipArchive();
        $this->settings = new stdClass();
        foreach ($settings as $k => $v) {
            $this->settings->$k = $v;
    public function create() {
        $this->fileHash = md5(implode(",", $this->files));
        $this->fileInfo["name"] = $this->fileHash . ".zip";
        $this->fileInfo["numFiles"] = count($this->files);
        $this->fileInfo["fullFilePath"] = $this->settings->path . "/" . $this->fileInfo["name"];
        if (file_exists($this->fileInfo["fullFilePath"])) {
            return array (
                    "already created: " . $this->fileInfo["fullFilePath"]
        else {
            $this->zip->open($this->fileInfo["fullFilePath"], ZIPARCHIVE::CREATE);
            return array (
                    "new file created: " . $this->fileInfo["fullFilePath"]
    private function addFiles() {
        foreach ($this->files as $k) {
            $this->zip->addFile($k, basename($k));
$settings = array (
        "path" => dirname(__FILE__)
$zipFile = new zipFile($settings);
$zipFile->files = array (
list($success, $error) = $zipFile->create();
if ($success === true) {
else {
    //error because: $error