?php//remove the utf-8 boms//by magicbug at gmail dot comif (isset($_GET['dir'])){ //要去除的文件目录,无参数则为文件当前目录。 $basedir=$_GET['dir'];}else{ $basedir = '.';}$auto = 1;checkdir($basedir);function checkdir
<?php //remove the utf-8 boms //by magicbug at gmail dot com if (isset($_GET['dir'])){ //要去除的文件目录,无参数则为文件当前目录。 $basedir=$_GET['dir']; }else{ $basedir = '.'; } $auto = 1; checkdir($basedir); function checkdir($basedir){ if ($dh = opendir($basedir)) { while (($file = readdir($dh)) !== false) { if ($file != '.' && $file != '..'){ if (!is_dir($basedir."/".$file)) { echo "filename: $basedir/$file ".checkBOM("$basedir/$file")." <br>"; }else{ $dirname = $basedir."/". $file; checkdir($dirname); } } } closedir($dh); } function checkBOM ($filename) { global $auto; $contents = file_get_contents($filename); $charset[1] = substr($contents, 0, 1); $charset[2] = substr($contents, 1, 1); $charset[3] = substr($contents, 2, 1); if (ord($charset[1]) == 239 && ord($charset[2]) == 187 && ord($charset[3]) == 191) { if ($auto == 1) { $rest = substr($contents, 3); rewrite ($filename, $rest); return ("<font color=red>BOM found,automatically removed.</font>"); } else { return ("<font color=red>BOM found.</font>"); } } else return ("BOM Not Found."); } function rewrite ($filename, $data) { $filenum = fopen($filename, "w"); flock($filenum, LOCK_EX); fwrite($filenum, $data); fclose($filenum); } ?>