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来源:互联网 收集:自由互联 发布时间:2021-07-03
php中可以显示文件的各种属性,这些属性包括文件的最后访问时间、最后修改时间、文件大小等。 HTMLHEADTITLEReturning information about a file/TITLE/HEADBODY?print "The size of the file is ";print filesize


<TITLE>Returning information about a file</TITLE>
print "The size of the file is ";
print filesize( "samplefile.doc" );
print "<br>";
$atime = fileatime( "samplefile.doc" );
print "This file accessed on ";
print date("l, M d, Y g:i a", $atime);
print "<br>";
$mtime = filemtime( "samplefile.doc" );
print "This file was modified on ";
print date("l, M d, Y g:i a", $mtime);
print "<br>";
$ctime = filectime( "samplefile.doc" );
print "This file was changed on ";
print date("l, M d, Y g:i a", $ctime);