更新提示: 1. 增加 301、302 HTTP 重定向 2. 增加 自定义 发送头部 3. 修复 超时时间 4. 增加 HTTP_STATUS_CODE 属性 5. 支持 HTTPS ?php class HttpClient { private static $context = null; // (resource) Socket stream
1. 增加 301、302 HTTP 重定向
2. 增加 自定义 发送头部
3. 修复 超时时间
5. 支持 HTTPS
<?php class HttpClient { private static $context = null; // (resource) Socket stream private $header = null; // (array) Request headers private $headerList = null; // (array) User custom request headers public $buffer = null; // (string) Call buffer public $response = null; // (array) Remote response headers public $request = null; // (string) Request headers private $args = null; // (array) User configure private $attachRedirect = null; // (bool) Tigger HTTP redirect private function __construct($args) { if(!is_array($args)) $args = array(); $this->args = $args; $charset = isset($this->args['charset']) ? $this->args['charset'] : 'UTF-8'; if(!empty($this->args['debugging'])) { set_time_limit(0); header('Content-Type: text/plain;charset='. $charset); }else{ header('Content-Type: text/html;charset='. $charset); } if(!isset($this->args['timeout'])) $this->args['timeout'] = 5; $this->args['timeout'] = intval($this->args['timeout']); if(!empty($this->args['redirect'])) $this->attachRedirect = true; $this->headerList = array(); } public static function init(& $instanceof, $args = null) { static $instance; if(!$instance) $instanceof = new self($args); return $instance = $instanceof; } public function setHeader($name, $value) { $this->headerList[$name] = $value; } private function build($args) { list($method, $url, $data, $cookie) = $args; $this->request = ''; $this->header = $this->response = array(); $userAgent = isset($this->args['userAgent']) ? $this->args['userAgent'] : ( isset($_SERVER['HTTP_USER_AGENT']) ? $_SERVER['HTTP_USER_AGENT'] : __CLASS__ ); extract($parse = parse_url($url)); $path = isset($query) ? $path .'?'. $query : ( isset($path) ? $path : '/' ); $port = isset($port) ? $port : ( $scheme == 'https' ? 443 : 80 ); $protocol = $scheme == 'https' ? 'ssl://' : 'tcp://'; try { self::$context = fsockopen($protocol . $host, $port, $errno, $errstr, $this->args['timeout']); if($errno) throw new ErrorException('<big><strong>Fatal error</strong>: The host was unable to give responses</big>'); }catch(Exception $e) { echo $e->getMessage(); if($errno) { if(is_resource(self::$context)) fclose(self::$context); exit(0); } } stream_set_blocking(self::$context, 1); stream_set_timeout(self::$context, $this->args['timeout']); $query = $data; if($data && is_array($data)) { $query = array(); foreach($data as $k => $value) array_push($query, $k .'='. $value); $query = implode('', $query); } array_push($this->header, $method .' '. $path .' HTTP/1.1'); array_push($this->header, 'Host: '. $host); array_push($this->header, 'Accept: */*'); array_push($this->header, 'Content-type: application/x-www-form-urlencoded'); array_push($this->header, 'Connection: close'); array_push($this->header, 'User-Agent: '. $userAgent); if($this->headerList) foreach($this->headerList as $name => $value) array_push($this->header, $name .': '. $value); if($cookie) array_push($this->header, 'Cookie: '. $cookie ); if($data) array_push($this->header, 'Content-Length: '. strlen($query)); if($data) array_push($this->header, ''); if($data) array_push($this->header, $query); array_push($this->header, "\\r\\n"); $this->request = implode("\\r\\n", $this->header); fputs(self::$context, $this->request); $skipped = false; $this->HTTP_STATUS_CODE = 0; $this->HTTP_TRANSFER_CHUNKED = false; while(!feof(self::$context)) { if(($line = fgets(self::$context))) { if(preg_match('/HTTP\\/\\d\\.\\d\\s*(\\d+)/i', $line, $match)) $this->HTTP_STATUS_CODE = (int) array_pop($match); if(preg_match('/Location:\\s*(.+)\\s*?/i', $line, $match)) ( ($this->HTTP_REDIRECT_URL = trim(array_pop($match))) && $skipped = !$skipped ); if(preg_match('/Transfer\\-Encoding:\\s*chunked/i', $line, $match)) $this->HTTP_TRANSFER_CHUNKED = true; if(array_push($this->response, $line) && in_array($line, array("\\n", "\\r\\n"))) break; } } if($this->attachRedirect && $skipped) { fclose(self::$context); $data ? call_user_func_array(array($this, $method), array($this->HTTP_REDIRECT_URL, $data, $cookie)): call_user_func_array(array($this, $method), array($this->HTTP_REDIRECT_URL, $cookie)); } if(!$skipped) { if($this->HTTP_STATUS_CODE === 200) { $this->buffer = ''; $chunksize = 0; $chunked = ''; while(!feof(self::$context)) { $line = fgets(self::$context); if($this->HTTP_TRANSFER_CHUNKED) { if(!$chunksize) { $chunksize = (int) hexdec(trim(ltrim($line, '0'))) + 2; }else{ if(strlen($chunked) < $chunksize){ $chunked .= $line; }else{ $this->buffer .= rtrim($chunked); $chunked = ''; $chunksize = (int) hexdec(trim(ltrim($line, '0'))) + 2; } } }else{ $this->buffer .= $line; } } } } return (string) $this->buffer; } public function get($url, $cookie = null) { return $this->build(array('GET', $url, null, $cookie)); } public function post($url, $data = null, $cookie = null) { return $this->build(array('POST', $url, $data, $cookie)); } public function __set($attr, $value) { $this->$attr = $value; } public function __destruct() { if(is_resource(self::$context)) fclose(self::$context); unset($this->headerList, $this->header, $this->response, $this->request, $this->args, $this->buffer); } } HttpClient::init($HttpClient, array('userAgent' => $_SERVER['HTTP_USER_AGENT'], 'redirect' => true))->get('http://www.baidu.com'); echo $HttpClient->buffer;