1. 查看远程分支 git branch -rorigin/master 2. 查看本地分支 git branch *master 注:以*开头指明现在所在的本地分支 3. 查看本地分支和远程分支 git branch -a*masterremotes/origin/master 4. 创建分支 *新建
1. 查看远程分支
git branch -r origin/master
2. 查看本地分支
git branch *master
3. 查看本地分支和远程分支
git branch -a *master remotes/origin/master
4. 创建分支
git branch [branch-name]
git branch -b [branch-name]
4-1 创建本地分支
$ git branch test_1 $ git branch -a * master test_1 remotes/origin/master
4-2 把本地分支推送到远端作为远端分支
$ git push origin test_1 To git@****** * [new branch] test_1 -> test_1 $ git branch -a * master test_1 remotes/origin/master remotes/origin/test_1
注:git push origin test_1会把本地的test_1分支推送到远端,本地test_1分支和远端的对应关系是test_1-->test_1
5. 切换到分支
$ git checkout test_1 Switched to branch 'test_1'
6. 删除本地分支
$ git branch -a master test_1 test_2 remotes/origin/master remotes/origin/test_1 remotes/origin/test_2 $ git branch -d test_2 Deleted branch test_2 (was c470057). $git branch -a master test_1 remotes/origin/master remotes/origin/test_1 remotes/origin/test_2
7. 删除远程分支
复制代码 $ git branch -a * master test_1 remotes/origin/master remotes/origin/test_1 remotes/origin/test_2 $ git push origin :test_2 To git@*********- [deleted] test_2 $ git branch -a * master test_1 remotes/origin/master remotes/origin/test_1
注:git push origin :*** 就是删除远程分支的意思,和刚才我删除本地无关。如下面,我留着本地test_1分支,只是删除了远端的分支test_1
$ git push origin :test_1 To git@******** - [deleted] test_1 $ git branch -a * master test_1 remotes/origin/master