不需要依赖第三方组件的vue日期移动端组件 小轮子 轻量可复用: https://github.com/BeckReed/datepicker-for-vue 2.用法:参见 src/view/demo.vue 文件的用法,简单易懂 div h3三列(年月日)日期弹窗示例
不需要依赖第三方组件的vue日期移动端组件 小轮子 轻量可复用: https://github.com/BeckReed/datepicker-for-vue
2.用法:参见 src/view/demo.vue 文件的用法,简单易懂
<div> <h3>三列(年月日)日期弹窗示例--带标题)</h3> <button class="blue-btn" @click="togglePicker2">显示三列带标题日期弹框Demo2</button> <v-date-picker :type="1" :isShow="isShow2" @confirm="confirmDemo2" @cancel="cancelDemo2" v-model="selectedValue2">请选择日期</v-date-picker> </div>
3.该例子基于vue进行示例: 运行命令如下: npm run dev 请先npm install
# install dependencies npm install # serve with hot reload at localhost:8080 npm run dev # build for production with minification npm run build # build for production and view the bundle analyzer report npm run build --report # run unit tests npm run unit # run all tests npm test
For a detailed explanation on how things work, check out theguide and docs for vue-loader