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来源:互联网 收集:自由互联 发布时间:2021-06-11
我正在读 Set You use a set instead of an array when you need to test efficiently for membership and you aren’t concerned with the order of the elements in the collection, or when you need to ensure that each element appears only once
我正在读 Set

You use a set instead of an array when you need to test efficiently for membership and you aren’t concerned with the order of the elements in the collection, or when you need to ensure that each element appears only once in a collection.


Use the contains(_:) method to test whether a set contains a specific element.

Use the subtracting(_:) method to create a new set with the elements of a set that are not also in another set or sequence

但是2个不同的对象可以具有相同的hashValue,就像在这篇文章Swift Hashable中一样

Do not assume that two instances of a type with the same hash value are equal. Depending on how we compute the hash value we can get collisions where two different instances share the same hash value. The Hashable protocol only needs the reverse – two equal instances have the same hash value.




Conforming to the Hashable Protocol

To use your own custom type in a
set or as the key type of a dictionary, add Hashable conformance to
your type by providing a hashValue property. The Hashable protocol
inherits from the Equatable protocol, so you must also add an equal-to
operator (==) function for your custom type.


Set and dictionary performance depends on hash values that minimize
collisions for their associated element and key types, respectively.

