玩 swift 2.0中的反射我正在尝试键入检查子值. 问题:任何项目的镜像中的子数组的每个元素都不是可选的,但是他的类型可以是可选的……当然,即使值为nil,我也会有子值 也许它不清楚
extension Mirror { public subscript(key: String)->Child?{ var child = children.filter { var valid = false if let label = $0.label { valid = label == key } return valid }.last if child == nil, let superMirror = superclassMirror() { child = superMirror[key] } return child } }
class Rule: NSObject, AProtocol { var hello: String? var subRule: Rule? }
let aRule = Rule() let mirroredRule = Mirror(reflecting:aRule) if let child = mirroredRule["subRule"] { //child.value always exists //i can't do child.value is AProtocol? because child.value is not optional //child.value is AProtocol of course returns false //child.dynamicType is Optional(Rule) if let unwrapped = unwrap(child.value) where unwrapped is AProtocol { //This of course works only if child.value is not nil //so the unwrap function returns an unwrapped value //this is not a definitive solution } }
private func unwrap(subject: Any) -> Any? { var value: Any? let mirrored = Mirror(reflecting:subject) if mirrored.displayStyle != .Optional { value = subject } else if let firstChild = mirrored.children.first { value = firstChild.value } return value }
基于 this answer,我建议使用if case Optional< Any> .some(_).我最近做了一些事情,以确保我的结构上至少有一个可选集.你可以粘贴到游乐场:
struct ErrorResponse: Codable { let message: String? let authorizationException: [String: String]? let validationException: String? let generalException: String? var isValid: Bool { var hasAtLeastOneNonNilErrorValue = false Mirror(reflecting: self).children.forEach { if case Optional<Any>.some(_) = $0.value { hasAtLeastOneNonNilErrorValue = true } } return hasAtLeastOneNonNilErrorValue } } let errorTest = ErrorResponse(message: "some message", authorizationException: nil, validationException: nil, generalException: nil) let errorTest2 = ErrorResponse(message: nil, authorizationException: nil, validationException: nil, generalException: nil) print("is valid: \(errorTest.isValid)") //is valid: true print("is valid: \(errorTest2.isValid)") //is valid: false