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swift – 更改iOS 10通知图像缩略图大小

来源:互联网 收集:自由互联 发布时间:2021-06-11
我是 Xcode和 Swift的新手.我想发送带有显示图像的本地通知.我使用UNNotificationAttachment附加以下代码中的图像: let content = UNMutableNotificationContent()content.title = "Testing"content.body = "Testing ric
我是 Xcode和 Swift的新手.我想发送带有显示图像的本地通知.我使用UNNotificationAttachment附加以下代码中的图像:

let content = UNMutableNotificationContent()
content.title = "Testing"
content.body = "Testing rich notification"   
let attachement = try! UNNotificationAttachment(identifier: "image", url: Bundle.main.url(forResource: "myImg", withExtension: "png")!, options: nil)
content.attachments = [attachement]    
let trigger = UNTimeIntervalNotificationTrigger(timeInterval: 10, repeats: false)
let request = UNNotificationRequest(identifier: "TenSecond", content: content, trigger: trigger) // Schedule the notification.            
let center = UNUserNotificationCenter.current()
center.add(request) { (error : Error?) in
    if error != nil {}


Notification With larger thumbnail


使用iOS 10,您可以使用UserNotificationsUI框架将通知主体替换为具有较大UIImageView的缩略图.
有关详情,请参见 Customizing the Appearance of Notifications.