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来源:互联网 收集:自由互联 发布时间:2021-06-11
我试图在 Swift中使用CGPattern创建一个彩色图案. Apple在 Painting Colored Patterns的 Quartz 2D Programming Guide部分提供了一个很好的Objective-C示例.但是从Objective-C转换所有语法并不是直截了当的.另外
我试图在 Swift中使用CGPattern创建一个彩色图案. Apple在 Painting Colored Patterns的 Quartz 2D Programming Guide部分提供了一个很好的Objective-C示例.但是从Objective-C转换所有语法并不是直截了当的.另外,我想在绘图回调中使用info参数,并没有这样做的例子.


class SomeShape {
    func createPattern() -> CGPattern? {
        let bounds = CGRect(x: 0, y: 0, width: someWidth, height: someHeight)
        let matrix = CGAffineTransform.identity
        var callbacks = CGPatternCallbacks(version: 0, drawPattern: nil, releaseInfo: nil)

        let res = CGPattern(info: nil, bounds: bounds, matrix: matrix, xStep: bounds.width, yStep: bounds.height, tiling: .noDistortion, isColored: true, callbacks: &callbacks)

        return res



如你所说 in your answer,CGPatternDrawPatternCallback被定义为:

typealias CGPatternDrawPatternCallback =
                               @convention(c) (UnsafeMutableRawPointer?, CGContext) -> Void


因此,如果您想在函数中使用上下文,则需要传递自己的UnsafeMutableRawPointer?到参数CGPattern‘s initialiser.这将被调用时作为给定绘图模式函数的第一个参数传递.


鉴于我们无法保证createPattern()的调用者将保持自我保留,我们不能将其传递给info:参数而不保留它自己.如果它是在没有保留的情况下传递的(例如使用unsafeBitCast),然后在绘制模式之前被释放 – 在尝试在绘图回调中使用悬空指针时会出现未定义的行为.


>您可以使用passRetained(_ :)传递引用作为1个保留的不透明指针.toOpaque()
>您可以使用fromOpaque(_ :)获取此指针的引用.takeUnretainedValue()(实例将保留)
>然后,您可以使用fromOpaque(_ :).release()来使用1 retain.在释放CGPattern时,您将要执行此操作.


class SomeShape {
    // the bounds of the shape to draw
    let bounds = CGRect(x: 0, y: 0, width: 40, height: 40)

    func createPattern() -> CGPattern? {

        var callbacks = CGPatternCallbacks(version: 0, drawPattern: { info, ctx in

            // cast the opaque pointer back to a SomeShape reference.
            let shape = Unmanaged<SomeShape>.fromOpaque(info!).takeUnretainedValue()

            // The code to draw a single tile of the pattern into "ctx"...
            // (in this case, two vertical strips)
            ctx.fill(CGRect(x: 0, y: 0,
                            width: shape.bounds.width / 2, height: shape.bounds.height))

            ctx.fill(CGRect(x: 20, y: 0,
                            width: shape.bounds.width / 2, height: shape.bounds.height))

        }, releaseInfo: { info in
            // when the CGPattern is freed, release the info reference,
            // consuming the +1 retain when we originally passed it to the CGPattern.

        // retain self before passing it off to the info: parameter as an opaque pointer.
        let unsafeSelf = Unmanaged.passRetained(self).toOpaque()

        return CGPattern(info: unsafeSelf, bounds: bounds, matrix: .identity,
                         xStep: bounds.width, yStep: bounds.height,
                         tiling: .noDistortion, isColored: true, callbacks: &callbacks)


struct SomeShape {

    // the bounds of the shape to draw
    let bounds = CGRect(x: 0, y: 0, width: 40, height: 40)

    func createPattern() -> CGPattern? {

        final class Context {
            let shape: SomeShape
            init(_ shape: SomeShape) { self.shape = shape }

        var callbacks = CGPatternCallbacks(version: 0, drawPattern: { info, ctx in

            // cast the opaque pointer back to a Context reference,
            // and get the wrapped shape instance.
            let shape = Unmanaged<Context>.fromOpaque(info!).takeUnretainedValue().shape

            // ...

        }, releaseInfo: { info in
            // when the CGPattern is freed, release the info reference,
            // consuming the +1 retain when we originally passed it to the CGPattern.

        // wrap self in our Context box before passing it off to the info: parameter as a
        // +1 retained opaque pointer.
        let unsafeSelf = Unmanaged.passRetained(Context(self)).toOpaque()

        return CGPattern(info: unsafeSelf, bounds: bounds, matrix: .identity,
                         xStep: bounds.width, yStep: bounds.height,
                         tiling: .noDistortion, isColored: true, callbacks: &callbacks)

