其他语言(如 Python)允许您使用字典理解来从数组中创建一个字典,但我还没有弄清楚如何在Swift中执行此操作.我以为我可以使用这样的东西,但它不能编译: let x = ["a","b","c"]let y = x.map(
let x = ["a","b","c"] let y = x.map( { ($0:"x") }) // expected y to be ["a":"x", "b":"x", "c":"x"]
map方法只是将数组的每个元素转换为新元素.但结果仍然是一个数组.要将数组转换为字典,可以使用reduce方法.let x = ["a","b","c"] let y = x.reduce([String: String]()) { (var dict, arrayElem) in dict[arrayElem] = "this is the value for \(arrayElem)" return dict }
["a": "this is the value for a", "b": "this is the value for b", "c": "this is the value for c"]
一些解释:reduce的第一个参数是初始值,在这种情况下是空字典[String:String](). reduce的第二个参数是将数组的每个元素组合成当前值的回调.在这种情况下,当前值是字典,我们为每个数组元素定义一个新的键和值.修改后的字典也需要在回调中返回.
func dictionaryComprehension<T,K,V>(array: [T], map: (T) -> (key: K, value: V)?) -> [K: V] { var dict = [K: V]() for element in array { if let (key, value) = map(element) { dict[key] = value } } return dict }
let x = ["a","b","c"] let y = dictionaryComprehension(x) { (element) -> (key: String, value: String)? in return (key: element, value: "this is the value for \(element)") }
extension Array { func toDict<K,V>(map: (T) -> (key: K, value: V)?) -> [K: V] { var dict = [K: V]() for element in self { if let (key, value) = map(element) { dict[key] = value } } return dict } }
let x = ["a","b","c"] let y = x.toDict { (element) -> (key: String, value: String)? in return (key: element, value: "this is the value for \(element)") }