场景是被渲染器(renderer)画出来的,渲染器负责渲染精灵和其它的对象进入屏幕。场景图(Scene Graph)
场景图是一种安排场景内对象的数据结构,它把场景内所有的节点(Node)都包含在一个树上。cocos2d-x使用中序遍历。 另一点需要考虑的是,z-order为负的元素,z-order为负的节点会被放置在左子树,非负的节点会被放在右子树// Adds a child with the z-order of -2, that means // it goes to the "left" side of the tree (because it is negative) scene->addChild(title_node, -2); // When you don't specify the z-order, it will use 0 scene->addChild(label_node); // Adds a child with the z-order of 1, that means // it goes to the "right" side of the tree (because it is positive) scene->addChild(sprite_node, 1);
精灵是你在屏幕上能控制的对象。Sprite很容易被创建,它有一些可以被配置的属性。// This is how to create a sprite auto mySprite = Sprite::create("mysprite.png"); // this is how to change the properties of the sprite mySprite->setPosition(Vec2(500, 0));//设置位置 mySprite->setRotation(40);//设置旋转角度 mySprite->setScale(2.0); // sets both the scale of the X and Y axis uniformly mySprite->setAnchorPoint(Vec2(0, 0));锚点(anchor point), 所有的节点(Node)都有锚点值,锚点是节点对象在计算坐标位置时的一个基准点。0,0是精灵的左下角。
创建一个场景,在场景里面增加精灵只是完成一个游戏的第一点,接下来我们要解决的问题就是,怎么让精灵动起来。动作(Action)就是用来解决这个问题的,你还可以创建一个动作序列(Sequence),让精灵按照这个序列做连续的动作。auto mySprite = Sprite::create("Blue_Front1.png"); // Move a sprite 50 pixels to the right, and 10 pixels to the top over 2 seconds. auto moveBy = MoveBy::create(2, Vec2(50,10)); mySprite->runAction(moveBy); // Move a sprite to a specific location over 2 seconds. auto moveTo = MoveTo::create(2, Vec2(50,10)); mySprite->runAction(moveTo);
序列就是多个动作按照特定的顺序的一个排列,当然反向执行这个序列也是可以的。auto mySprite = Node::create(); // move to point 50,10 over 2 seconds auto moveTo1 = MoveTo::create(2, Vec2(50,10)); // move from current position by 100,10 over 2 seconds auto moveBy1 = MoveBy::create(2, Vec2(100,10)); // move to point 150,10 over 2 seconds auto moveTo2 = MoveTo::create(2, Vec2(150,10)); // create a delay auto delay = DelayTime::create(1); mySprite->runAction(Sequence::create(moveTo1, delay, moveBy1, delay.clone(), moveTo2, nullptr));
auto myNode = Node::create(); auto moveTo1 = MoveTo::create(2, Vec2(50,10)); auto moveBy1 = MoveBy::create(2, Vec2(100,10)); auto moveTo2 = MoveTo::create(2, Vec2(150,10)); myNode->runAction(Spawn::create(moveTo1, moveBy1, moveTo2, nullptr));
如果两节点被添加到一个父子关系中,那么父节点的属性变化会被自动应用到子节点中。需要注意的是, 不是所有的父节点属性都会被自动应用到子节点。日志输出
有时,在你的游戏正在运行的时候,为了了解程序的运行过程或是为了查找一个BUG,你想看一些运行时信息,可以使用log()把信息输出到控制台。// a simple string log("This would be outputted to the console"); // a string and a variable string s = "My variable"; log("string is %s", s); // a double and a variable double dd = 42; log("double is %f", dd); // an integer and a variable int i = 6; log("integer is %d", i); // a float and a variable float f = 2.0f; log("float is %f", f); // a bool and a variable bool b = true; if (b == true) log("bool is true"); else log("bool is false");