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cocos2dx3.15新建项目导入android studio报错

来源:互联网 收集:自由互联 发布时间:2021-06-13
frameworks\cocos2d-x\cocos\platform\CCPlatformConfig.h Error:(143, 6) error: #error "Cannot recognize the target platform; are you targeting an unsupported platform?" Error:(143, 6) error: #error "Cannot recognize the target platform; are y
Error:(143, 6) error:  #error  "Cannot recognize the target platform; are you targeting an unsupported platform?"
Error:(143, 6) error:  #error  "Cannot recognize the target platform; are you targeting an unsupported platform?"
Error:(143, 6) error:  #error  "Cannot recognize the target platform; are you targeting an unsupported platform?"

Error:(143, 6) error: #error "Cannot recognize the target platform; are you targeting an unsupported platform?"

还有一大推 我就不一一贴出来了    都是游戏引擎里面的报错,  心想不应该  我都是使用的新的  cocos2dx  和android studio  3.x,最后查了哈文档  原来是NDK版本的问题   必须使用NDK版本15以上的才行顺利编译   
