在3.10 官方例子中,cocos使用了AssetsManagerEx 来代替原先的AssetsManager来实现热更新。 使用AssetsManagerEx只需配置一个Manifest文件即可。
{ "packageUrl" : "", "remoteManifestUrl" : "", "remoteVersionUrl" : "", "version" : "1.0.0", "engineVersion" : "3.0 beta", "assets" : { "Images/background.png" : { "md5" : "..." } }, "searchPaths" : [ ]
#ifndef __Update_H__
#define __Update_H__
#include "cocos2d.h"
#include "cocos-ext.h"
class Update : public cocos2d::Scene
static Update* create(int testIndex); //根据下标设置不同的配置文件与存储路径
Update(int testIndex);
void startDownloadCallback(cocos2d::Ref* sender); // 按下开始下载时的操作
virtual bool init() override;
int _testIndex;
cocos2d::Layer* _loadLayer;
cocos2d::Menu* _downloadMenu;
cocos2d::extension::AssetsManagerEx* _am;
cocos2d::Label* _progress;
cocos2d::extension::EventListenerAssetsManagerEx* _amListener;
void onLoadEnd(); // 下载结束后
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#include "Update.h"
const char* sceneManifests[] = { "AMTestScene1/project.manifest", "AMTestScene2/project.manifest", "AMTestScene3/project.manifest" };
const char* storagePaths[] = { "CppTests/AssetsManagerExTest/scene1/", "CppTests/AssetsManagerExTest/scene2/", "CppTests/AssetsManagerExTest/scene3" };
const char* backgroundPaths[] = { "Images/assetMgrBackground1.jpg", "Images/assetMgrBackground2.png", "Images/assetMgrBackground3.png" };
Update* Update::create(int testIndex){
auto scene = new (std::nothrow) Update(testIndex);
if (scene && scene->init())
delete scene;
scene = nullptr;
return scene;
Update::Update(int testIndex)
: _testIndex(testIndex)
, _loadLayer(nullptr)
, _downloadMenu(nullptr)
, _progress(nullptr)
bool Update::init()
if (!Scene::init())
return false;
Size visibleSize = Director::getInstance()->getVisibleSize();
// 创建按钮组件
auto downloadLabel = Label::createWithTTF("Start Download", "fonts/arial.ttf", 16);
auto downloadItem = MenuItemLabel::create(downloadLabel, CC_CALLBACK_1(Update::startDownloadCallback, this));
downloadItem->setPosition(Vec2(visibleSize.width / 2, 100));
_downloadMenu = Menu::create(downloadItem, nullptr);
this->addChild(_downloadMenu, 1);
_loadLayer = Layer::create();
auto sprite = Sprite::create("Images/Icon.png");
sprite->setPosition(visibleSize.width / 2, visibleSize.height / 2);
TTFConfig config("fonts/tahoma.ttf", 30);
_progress = Label::createWithTTF(config, "0%", TextHAlignment::CENTER);
_progress->setPosition(Vec2(visibleSize.width / 2, (visibleSize.height / 2) + 50));
// 根据资源配置文件与存储路径,创建AssetsManagerEx
std::string manifestPath = sceneManifests[_testIndex], storagePath = FileUtils::getInstance()->getWritablePath() + storagePaths[_testIndex];
CCLOG("Storage path for this test : %s", storagePath.c_str());
_am = AssetsManagerEx::create(manifestPath, storagePath);
return true;
void Update::onLoadEnd()
removeChild(_loadLayer, true);
_loadLayer = nullptr;
// 开始下载资源
void Update::startDownloadCallback(Ref* sender)
_downloadMenu = nullptr;
if (!_am->getLocalManifest()->isLoaded()) { CCLOG("Fail to update assets, step skipped."); onLoadEnd(); } else { int testIndex = _testIndex; _amListener = cocos2d::extension::EventListenerAssetsManagerEx::create(_am, [testIndex, this](EventAssetsManagerEx* event){ static int failCount = 0; switch (event->getEventCode()) { case EventAssetsManagerEx::EventCode::ERROR_NO_LOCAL_MANIFEST: { CCLOG("No local manifest file found, skip assets update."); this->onLoadEnd(); } break; case EventAssetsManagerEx::EventCode::UPDATE_PROGRESSION: { std::string assetId = event->getAssetId(); float percent = event->getPercent(); std::string str; if (assetId == AssetsManagerEx::VERSION_ID) { str = StringUtils::format("Version file: %.2f", percent) + "%"; } else if (assetId == AssetsManagerEx::MANIFEST_ID) { str = StringUtils::format("Manifest file: %.2f", percent) + "%"; } else { str = StringUtils::format("%.2f", percent) + "%"; CCLOG("%.2f Percent", percent); } if (this->_progress != nullptr) this->_progress->setString(str); } break; case EventAssetsManagerEx::EventCode::ERROR_DOWNLOAD_MANIFEST: case EventAssetsManagerEx::EventCode::ERROR_PARSE_MANIFEST: { CCLOG("Fail to download manifest file, update skipped."); this->onLoadEnd(); } break; case EventAssetsManagerEx::EventCode::ALREADY_UP_TO_DATE: case EventAssetsManagerEx::EventCode::UPDATE_FINISHED: { CCLOG("Update finished. %s", event->getMessage().c_str()); this->onLoadEnd(); } break; case EventAssetsManagerEx::EventCode::UPDATE_FAILED: { CCLOG("Update failed. %s", event->getMessage().c_str()); failCount++; if (failCount < 5) { _am->downloadFailedAssets(); } else { CCLOG("Reach maximum fail count, exit update process"); failCount = 0; this->onLoadEnd(); } } break; case EventAssetsManagerEx::EventCode::ERROR_UPDATING: { CCLOG("Asset %s : %s", event->getAssetId().c_str(), event->getMessage().c_str()); } break; case EventAssetsManagerEx::EventCode::ERROR_DECOMPRESS: { CCLOG("%s", event->getMessage().c_str()); } break; default: break; } }); Director::getInstance()->getEventDispatcher()->addEventListenerWithFixedPriority(_amListener, 1);
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startDownloadCallback() 按下开始下载时的操作。
init() 初始化。
onLoadEnd() 下载结束后。
_testIndex 配置文件与存储路径的下标。
_loadLayer 展示层。
_downloadMenu menu控件。
_am AssetsManagerEx对象。
_progress 显示进度的Label。
_amListener EventListenerAssetsManagerEx对象(创建下载线程在这里面进行)。