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cocos2d-x v3.0新特性及使用

来源:互联网 收集:自由互联 发布时间:2021-06-13
转自:http://www.cnblogs.com/jiangu66/archive/2013/08/09/3249354.html 八月份cocos2d-x官网发布了v3.0版本,这次更新的内容特别多,包括2dx的架构以及使用 总得来说,给开发者带来了很大的便利: 运行






  • Android 2.3 or newer
  • iOS 5.0 or newer
  • OS X 10.7 or newer
  • Windows (which version?)
  • Linux Ubuntu 12.04 (or newer)
  • Xcode 4.6 (for iOS or Mac)
  • gcc 4.7 for Linux or Android. For Android ndk-r8e or newer is required.
  • Visual Studio 2012 (for Windows)

  • Replace Objective-C patters with C++ (C++11) patterns and best practices
  • Improve Labels
  • Improve renderer
其中C++ 11 新特性:

A subset of C++11 features are being used in cocos2d-x:

  • std::function, including lambda objects for callbacks
  • strongly typed enums, for most of the cocos2d-x enums and constants
  • std::thread for threading
  • override context keyword, for overriden methods

st  std::function

  • CallFunc can be created with an std::function<void()>
  • CallFuncN can be created with an std::function<void(Node*)>
  • CallFuncND and CallFuncO were removed since it can be created with simulated with CallFuncN and CallFunc. See ActionsTest.cpp for more examples
  • MenuItem supports std::function<void(Node*)> as callbacks
强大枚举类型更新: Examples: v2.1 v3.0 kCCTexture2DPixelFormat_RGBA8888 Texture2D::PixelFormat::RGBA8888 kCCDirectorProjectionCustom Director::Projection::CUSTOM ccGREEN Color3B::GREEN CCPointZero Point::ZERO CCSizeZero Size::ZERO

The old values can still be used, but are not deprecated.

override 当虚函数被override关健字修饰时,子类实现时有override标记

    Removed Objective-C patterns

对于类的使用改变: 2dx-3.0 两也不用使用using coco2d namespace

     clone() instead of copy()

clone() returns an autoreleased version of the copy.

copy() is no longer supported. If you use it, it will compile, but the code will crash.


1// v2.1
2CCMoveBy *action = (CCMoveBy*) move->copy();
5// v3.0
6// No need to do autorelease, no need to do casting.
7auto action = move->clone();


     Singletons use getInstance() and destroyInstance()

All singletons use getInstance() and destroyInstance() (if applicable) to get and destroy the instance.


v2.1 v3.0 CCDirector->sharedDirector() Director->getInstance() CCDirector->endDirector() Director->destroyInstance() etc...

v2.1 methods are still available, but they were tagged as deprecated.


Getters now use the get prefix.


v2.1 v3.0 node->boundingBox() node->getBoundingBox() sprite->nodeToParentTransform() sprite->getNodeToParentTransform() etc...

And getters were also tagged as const in their declaration. Example:

1// v2.1
2virtual float getScale();
4// v3.0
5virtual float getScale() const;

v2.1 methods are still available, but they were tagged as deprecated.

     POD types

Methods that were receiving POD types as arguments (eg: TexParamsPointSize, etc.) are being passed as constreference.


1// v2.1
2void setTexParameters(ccTexParams* texParams);
4// v3.0
5void setTexParameters(const ccTexParams& texParams);

   Misc API Changes


Remove cc prefix for structure names in ccTypes.h, move global functions into static member functions, and move global constants into const static member variables.

structure name before changing structure name after changing ccColor3B Color3B ccColor4B Color4B ccColor4F Color4F ccVertex2F Vertex2F ccVertex3F Vertex3F ccTex2F Tex2F ccPointSprite PointSprite ccQuad2 Quad2 ccQuad3 Quad3 ccV2F_C4B_T2F V2F_C4B_T2F ccV2F_C4F_T2F V2F_C4F_T2F ccV3F_C4B_T2F V3F_C4B_T2F ccV2F_C4B_T2F_Triangle V2F_C4B_T2F_Triangle ccV2F_C4B_T2F_Quad V2F_C4B_T2F_Quad ccV3F_C4B_T2F_Quad V3F_C4B_T2F_Quad ccV2F_C4F_T2F_Quad V2F_C4F_T2F_Quad ccBlendFunc BlendFunc ccT2F_Quad T2F_Quad ccAnimationFrameData AnimationFrameData

Global functions changed example

 2// in v2.1
 3ccColor3B color3B = ccc3(0, 0, 0);
 4ccc3BEqual(color3B, ccc3(1, 1, 1));
 5ccColor4B color4B = ccc4(0, 0, 0, 0); 
 6ccColor4F color4F = ccc4f(0, 0, 0, 0);
 7color4F = ccc4FFromccc3B(color3B);
 8color4F = ccc4FFromccc4B(color4B);
 9ccc4FEqual(color4F, ccc4F(1, 1, 1, 1));
10color4B = ccc4BFromccc4F(color4F);
12color3B = ccWHITE;
14// in v3.0
15Color3B color3B = Color3B(0, 0, 0);
16color3B.equals(Color3B(1, 1, 1));
17Color4B color4B = Color4B(0, 0, 0, 0);
18Color4F color4F = Color4F(0, 0, 0, 0);
19color4F = Color4F(color3B);
20color4F = Color4F(color4B);
21color4F.equals(Color4F(1, 1, 1, 1));
22color4B = Color4B(color4F);
24color3B = Color3B::WHITE;


  deprecated functions and global variables

old name new name ccp Point ccpNeg Point::- ccpAdd Point::+ ccpSub Point::- ccpMult Point::* ccpMidpoint Point::getMidpoint ccpDot Point::dot ccpCrosss Point::cross ccpPerp Point::getPerp ccpRPerp Point::getRPerp ccpProject Point::project ccpRotate Point::rotate ccpUnrotate Point::unrotate ccpLengthSQ Point::getLengthSq() ccpDistanceSQ Point::getDistanceSq ccpLength Point::getLength ccpDistance Point::getDistance ccpNormalize Point::normalize ccpForAngle Point::forAngle ccpToAngle Point::getAngle ccpClamp Point::getClampPoint ccpFromSize Point::Point ccpCompOp Point::compOp ccpLerp Point::lerp ccpFuzzyEqual Point::fuzzyEqual ccpCompMult Point::Point ccpAngleSigned Point::getAngle ccpAngle Point::getAngle ccpRotateByAngle Point::rotateByAngle ccpLineInersect Point::isLineIntersect ccpSegmentIntersect Point::isSegmentIntersect ccpIntersectPoint Point::getIntersectPoint CCPointMake Point::Point CCSizeMake Size::Size CCRectMake Rect::Rect PointZero Point::ZERO SizeZero Size::ZERO RectZero Rect::ZERO TiledGrid3DAction::tile TiledGrid3DAction::getTile TiledGrid3DAction::originalTile TiledGrid3DAction::getOriginalTile TiledGrid3D::tile TiledGrid3D::getTile TiledGrid3D::originalTile TiledGrid3D::getOriginalTile Grid3DAction::vertex Grid3DAction::getVertex Grid3DAction::originalVertex Grid3DAction::getOriginalVertex Grid3D::vertex Grid3D::getVertex Grid3D::originalVertex Grid3D::getOriginalVertex Configuration::sharedConfiguration Configuration::getInstance Configuration::purgeConfiguration Configuration::destroyInstance() Director::sharedDirector() Director::getInstance() FileUtils::sharedFileUtils FileUtils::getInstance FileUtils::purgeFileUtils FileUtils::destroyInstance EGLView::sharedOpenGLView EGLView::getInstance ShaderCache::sharedShaderCache ShaderCache::getInstance ShaderCache::purgeSharedShaderCache ShaderCache::destroyInstance AnimationCache::sharedAnimationCache AnimationCache::getInstance AnimationCache::purgeSharedAnimationCache AnimationCache::destroyInstance SpriteFrameCache::sharedSpriteFrameCache SpriteFrameCache::getInstance SpriteFrameCache:: purgeSharedSpriteFrameCache SpriteFrameCache::destroyInstance NotificationCenter::sharedNotificationCenter NotificationCenter::getInstance NotificationCenter:: purgeNotificationCenter NotificationCenter::destroyInstance Profiler::sharedProfiler Profiler::getInstance UserDefault::sharedUserDefault UserDefault::getInstance UserDefault::purgeSharedUserDefault UserDefault::destroyInstance Application::sharedApplication Application::getInstance ccc3() Color3B() ccc3BEqual() Color3B::equals() ccc4() Color4B() ccc4FFromccc3B() Color4F() ccc4f() Color4F() ccc4FFromccc4B() Color4F() ccc4BFromccc4F() Color4B() ccc4FEqual() Color4F::equals() ccWHITE Color3B::WHITE ccYELLOW Color3B::YELLOW ccBLUE Color3B::BLUE ccGREEN Color3B::GREEN ccRED Color3B::RED ccMAGENTA Color3B::MAGENTA ccBLACK Color3B::BLACK ccORANGE Color3B::ORANGE ccGRAY Color3B::GRAY kBlendFuncDisable BlendFunc::BLEND_FUNC_DISABLE


  -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------

创建新项目:  v3.0不再需要创建Xcode模版,使用create-multi-platform-projects.py来创建一个跨平台的项目,使用方法  1,cd 到2dx根目录,MAC平台使用./create-multi-platform-projects.py  然后提示: -bash: ./create-multi-platform-projects.py: /usr/bin/evn: bad interpreter: No such file or directory 没关系,我们打开.py文件,发现其实引用的是tools/project_creator/create_project.py 这文件  2,我们再cd 到project_creator文件中,使用 ./create_project.py -p <PROJECT_NAME> -k <PACKAGE_NAME> -l <cpp|lua|javascript>  3,这样我们就可以在2dx的projects文件夹中找到创建好的项目
关于项目的选择: 图示: