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Office Open XML SDK替换

来源:互联网 收集:自由互联 发布时间:2021-06-13
为了基于来自SQL数据库的数据创建word文档,我使用Office Open XML SDK来避免使用互操作.这加快了流程,并且消除了对客户端系统上安装的Microsoft Office套件的要求. 虽然这非常有效,但在替换文
为了基于来自SQL数据库的数据创建word文档,我使用Office Open XML SDK来避免使用互操作.这加快了流程,并且消除了对客户端系统上安装的Microsoft Office套件的要求.







而不是键入纯文本“taghere”,插入合并字段. (单击插入>快速部分>字段.选择“mergefield”并在“字段名称”字段中键入“TagHere”.)

然后,不是进行文本查找 – 替换,而是扫描文档以查找合并字段并设置内部文本.

class Program
    static void Main(string[] args)
        string document = args[0];
        using (WordprocessingDocument wordDoc = WordprocessingDocument.Open(document, true))
            Dictionary<string, string> replaceOperations = new Dictionary<string, string>();

            replaceOperations.Add("company", "alex's applications");
            replaceOperations.Add("first_name", "alexander");
            replaceOperations.Add("last_name", "taylor");

            Replace(wordDoc, replaceOperations);

    public static char[] splitChar = new char[] {' '};
    public static void Replace(WordprocessingDocument document, Dictionary<string, string> replaceOperations)
        //find all the fields
        foreach (var field in document.MainDocumentPart.Document.Body.Descendants<SimpleField>())
            //parse the instruction
            string[] instruction = field.Instruction.Value.Split(splitChar, StringSplitOptions.RemoveEmptyEntries);

            //check if it's a merge field, and if so...
            if (instruction[0].ToLower().Equals("mergefield"))
                //get the field name
                string fieldname = instruction[1];

                //find the text inside (there will only be one)
                foreach (var fieldtext in field.Descendants<Text>())
                    //see if we know what to set this value to
                    string value = replaceOperations.ContainsKey(fieldname) ? replaceOperations[fieldname] : null;

                    //if we found the replace value, set the text to this value
                    if (value != null)
                        fieldtext.Text = value;

                    //should only be one text inside