我是clojure的新手所以请耐心等待.我有一个看起来像这样的 XML ?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?XVar Id="cdx9" Type="Dictionary" XVar Id="Base.AccruedPremium" Type="Multi" Value="" Rows="1" Columns="1" Row Id="0" Col I
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?> <XVar Id="cdx9" Type="Dictionary"> <XVar Id="Base.AccruedPremium" Type="Multi" Value="" Rows="1" Columns="1"> <Row Id="0"> <Col Id="0" Type="Num" Value="0"/> </Row> </XVar> <XVar Id="TrancheAnalysis.IndexDuration" Type="Multi" Value="" Rows="1" Columns="1"> <Row Id="0"> <Col Id="0" Type="Num" Value="3.4380728252313069"/> </Row> </XVar> <XVar Id="TrancheAnalysis.IndexLevel01" Type="Multi" Value="" Rows="1" Columns="1"> <Row Id="0"> <Col Id="0" Type="Num" Value="30693.926279941188"/> </Row> </XVar> <XVar Id="TrancheAnalysis.TrancheDelta" Type="Multi" Value="" Rows="1" Columns="1"> <Row Id="0"> <Col Id="0" Type="Num" Value="8.9304387917502073"/> </Row> </XVar> <XVar Id="TrancheAnalysis.TrancheDuration" Type="Multi" Value="" Rows="1" Columns="1"> <Row Id="0"> <Col Id="0" Type="Num" Value="3.0775955481964035"/> </Row> </XVar> </XVar>
IndexName,TrancheAnalysis.IndexDuration,TrancheAnalysis.TrancheDuration cdx9,3.4380728252313069,3.0775955481964035 ......................................... .........................................
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?> <CalibrationData> <IndexList> <Index> <Calibrate>Y</Calibrate> <UseClientIndexQuotes>Y</UseClientIndexQuotes> <IndexName>HYCDX10</IndexName> <Tenor>06/20/2013</Tenor> <TenorName>3Y</TenorName> <IndexLevels>219.6</IndexLevels> <Tranche>Equity0To0.15</Tranche> <TrancheStart>0</TrancheStart> <TrancheEnd>0.15</TrancheEnd> <UseBreakEvenSpread>1</UseBreakEvenSpread> <UseTlet>0</UseTlet> <IsTlet>0</IsTlet> <PctExpectedLoss>0</PctExpectedLoss> <UpfrontFee>52.125</UpfrontFee> <RunningFee>0</RunningFee> <DeltaFee>5.3</DeltaFee> <CentralCorrelation>0.1</CentralCorrelation> <Currency>USD</Currency> <RescalingMethod>PTIndexRescaling</RescalingMethod> <EffectiveDate>06/17/2011</EffectiveDate> </Index> </IndexList> </CalibrationData>
(ns DynamicProgramming (:require [clojure.xml :as xml])) ;Get the Input Files (def calibrationFile "C:/ashwani/Eclipse/HistoricalTrancheAnalysis/src/CalibrationQuotes.xml") (def mktdataFile "C:/ashwani/Eclipse/HistoricalTrancheAnalysis/src/MarketData.xml") (def sample "C:/ashwani/Eclipse/HistoricalTrancheAnalysis/src/Sample.xml") ;Parse the Calibration Input File (def CalibOp (for [x (xml-seq (xml/parse (java.io.File. calibrationFile))) :when (or (= :IndexName (:tag x)) (= :Tenor (:tag x)) (= :UpfrontFee (:tag x)) (= :RunningFee (:tag x)) (= :DeltaFee (:tag x)) (= :IndexLevels (:tag x)) (= :TrancheStart (:tag x)) (= :TrancheEnd (:tag x)) )] (first(:content x)))) (println CalibOp)
我会使用 data.zip(以前的clojure.contrib.zip-filter).它提供了大量的xml解析功能,并且很容易执行类似xpath的表达式. README将其描述为用于过滤树的系统,特别是XML树.下面我有一些示例代码,用于为CSV文件创建“行”.该行是列名称到属性值的映射.
(ns work (:require [clojure.xml :as xml] [clojure.zip :as zip] [clojure.contrib.zip-filter.xml :as zf])) ; create a zip from the xml file (def zip (zip/xml-zip (xml/parse "data.xml"))) ; pulls out a list of all of the root "Id" attribute values (zf/xml-> zip (zf/attr :Id)) (defn value [xvar-zip] "Finds the id and value for a particular element" (let [id (-> xvar-zip zip/node :attrs :Id) ; manual access value (zf/xml1-> xvar-zip ; use xpath like expression to pull value out :Row ; need the row element :Col ; then the column element (zf/attr :Value))] ; and finally pull the Value out {id value})) ; gets the "column-value" pair for a single column (zf/xml1-> zip (zf/attr= :Id "cdx9") ; filter on id "cdx9" :XVar ; filter on XVars under it (zf/attr= :Id "TrancheAnalysis.IndexDuration") ; filter on id value) ; apply the value function on the result of above ; creates a map of every column key to it's corresponding value (apply merge (zf/xml-> zip (zf/attr= :Id "cdx9") :XVar value))
我不确定xml如何与多个Dictionary XVar一起使用,因为它是一个根元素.如果需要,对这种类型的工作有用的其他函数之一是mapcat,它从映射函数返回所有值.
test source中还有一些例子.