如何利用Truffle React框架构建完整的智能合约 使用solidity的truffle框架开发智能合约,前端使用react框架,最终完成智能合约从前端到后端,从开发到部署的完整流程。 1. 版本需求 Truffl
1. 版本需求
- Truffle v5.0.28 (core: 5.0.28)
- Solidity v0.5.0 (solc-js)
- Node v8.11.2
- Web3.js v1.0.0-beta.37
2. 项目初始化
- mkdir -p truffle
- cd truffle
- truffle unbox react
3. 合约编写、编译和部署
- 将Github truffle-react 目录下的文件拷贝出来。
- copy ./source/App.js to "./client/src/App.js"
- copy ./source/truffle-config.js to ./
- copy ./source/Migration.sol ./source/SimpleStorage.sol to "./contracts"
- copy ./source/1_initial_migration.js ./source/2_deploy_contracts.js to "./migrations"
- truffle develop (port: 8545)
- compile
- migrate (--reset)
4. 启动项目,查看效果
- cd client && npm start
- config metamask wallet to private chain on http://localhost:8545
- visit http://localhost:3000
- input number xxx in input box, then click "修改" button
- in wallet , click comfirm button
- in mainpage ,the The stored value is: xxx(you enter number above)
5. 总结