后台测试数据初始化: [java] view plain copy static ListUserarrD= new ArrayListUser(); static { for ( int i= 0 ;i 51 ;i++){ Useru= new User(); u.setId(i); u.setName( "test" +i); if (i% 2 == 0 ){ u.setDesc( "devadminuser" ); u.setLo
[java] view plain copy
- static List<User> arrD = new ArrayList< User >();
- static{
- for( int i = 0; i < 51; i ++ ){
- User u = new User();
- u.setId( i );
- u.setName( "test"+i );
- if( i % 2 == 0 ){
- u.setDesc( "dev admin user" );
- u.setLoginNum( 10 );
- }else{
- u.setDesc( "dev oper user" );
- u.setLoginNum( 20 );
- }
- arrD.add( u );
- }
- }
[java] view plain copy
- @GET
- @Path("/getUsers")
- @Produces("application/json")
- public List< User > getUsers(@Context HttpServletRequest request,@Context HttpServletResponse response){
- //items=0-9
- //items=10-19
- // 如果request header中没有Range参数,则返回全部记录
- if( request.getHeader("Range") == null ){
- return arrD;
- }else{
- // store会在request header中添加Range参数,参数值类似这种:items=0-9,表明了查询范围。此处要提取该参数值
- String[] range = request.getHeader("Range").replaceAll("items=", "").split("-");
- // 查询起点
- int from = Integer.parseInt(range[0]);
- // 查询终点
- int to = Integer.parseInt(range[1]);
- // 防止越界
- if( to > arrD.size() ){
- to = arrD.size() - 1;
- }
- // 还要告诉grid记录总数有多少,以及当前查询范围
- String contentRange = String.format("items %d-%d/%d", from,to,arrD.size());
- // response header中添加Content-Range参数,参数值类似这种:items 0-9/51
- response.setHeader("Content-Range", contentRange);
- // 查询结果
- return arrD.subList(from, to+1);
- }
- }
代码中request.getHeader("Range")是为了取得EnhancedGrid传递过来的查询范围参数,这个参数在request header中,如图
而response.setHeader("Content-Range", contentRange);是传递给EnhancedGrid的参数,该参数要放到response header中,如图
[javascript] view plain copy
- require([
- "dojox/grid/EnhancedGrid",
- "dojox/grid/enhanced/plugins/IndirectSelection" ,
- "dojox/grid/enhanced/plugins/Pagination",
- "dojo/request/xhr",
- "dojo/store/Memory",
- "dojo/data/ObjectStore",
- "dojo/domReady!"
- ], function(EnhancedGrid,IndirectSelection,Pagination,xhr,Memory,ObjectStore){
- xhr.get("/dojo/rest/getUsers", {
- headers:{ 'Content-Type': 'application/x-www-form-urlencoded; charset=UTF-8' },
- handleAs: "json"
- }).then(function(data){
- var mem = new Memory({data:data});
- var dataStore = new ObjectStore({objectStore: mem});
- grid = new EnhancedGrid({
- store: dataStore,
- plugins:{
- indirectSelection: {headerSelector:true, width:"40px", styles:"text-align: center;"},
- pagination: true
- },
- //query: { id: "*" },
- structure: [
- { name: "用户名", field: "name", width: "84px" },
- { name: "用户名描述", field: "desc", width: "84px" },
- { name: "允许登录数", field: "loginNum", width: "60px" }
- ]
- }, "userList");
- grid.startup();
- })
- });
- <div id="userList" style="height: 200px;"></div>
[html] view plain copy
- <div data-dojo-type="dojo/store/JsonRest" data-dojo-id="userData" data-dojo-props='target: "/dojo/rest/getUsers"'></div>
- <div data-dojo-type="dojo/data/ObjectStore" data-dojo-id="UserStore" data-dojo-props="objectStore: userData"></div>
- <table data-dojo-type="dojox/grid/EnhancedGrid"
- data-dojo-props='store: UserStore, autoWidth:true, autoHeight:true, rowSelector: "20px",
- plugins:{
- indirectSelection: {headerSelector:true, width:"40px", styles:"text-align: center;"},
- pagination: {description: true,sizeSwitch: true,pageStepper: true,gotoButton: true}
- }'
- >
- <thead>
- <tr>
- <th field="id" width= "50px" >序号</th>
- <th field="name" width= "200px" >用户名</th>
- <th field="desc" width= "200px" >用户名描述</th>
- <th field="loginNum" width= "200px" >允许登录数</th>
- </tr>
- </thead>
- </table>
但是,第一种方式是一次性加载全部数据,request header中不添加Range;第二种方式是懒惰加载,包含Range,如图