我有这个内联svg图标的代码: @Icon = React.createClass render: - svg width="22" height="22" viewBox="0 0 22 22" defs path d="M16.865 6.887c.136.449 2.028.624 2.086 1.209a8.862 8.862 0 0 1-.002 1.754c-.059.585-1.951.741-2.089 1.19
@Icon = React.createClass render: -> <svg width="22" height="22" viewBox="0 0 22 22"> <defs> <path d="M16.865 6.887c.136.449 2.028.624 2.086 1.209a8.862 8.862 0 0 1-.002 1.754c-.059.585-1.951.741-2.089 1.19-.138.45-.318.882-.542 1.296-.223.415 1 1.861.625 2.315a8.954 8.954 0 0 1-1.251 1.242c-.457.373-1.916-.839-2.333-.617a7.272 7.272 0 0 1-1.305.538c-.453.137-.607 2.014-1.196 2.072a9.062 9.062 0 0 1-1.766.002c-.589-.057-.767-1.934-1.22-2.07a7.221 7.221 0 0 1-1.304-.535c-.417-.221-1.85.994-2.307.621a8.911 8.911 0 0 1-1.248-1.239c-.374-.453.824-1.902.601-2.316a7.077 7.077 0 0 1-.538-1.295c-.137-.449-2.002-.602-2.06-1.186a8.939 8.939 0 0 1 .002-1.754c.059-.585 1.924-.763 2.062-1.213.137-.449.318-.881.541-1.296.224-.414-.972-1.838-.596-2.293a9.057 9.057 0 0 1 1.25-1.242c.458-.373 1.889.817 2.306.595a7.346 7.346 0 0 1 1.305-.538C8.339 1.991 8.521.136 9.11.078a9.061 9.061 0 0 1 1.766-.002c.588.057.739 1.911 1.192 2.047.452.136.887.315 1.304.536.416.221 1.877-.972 2.334-.6.457.372.873.785 1.248 1.239.375.454-.851 1.88-.629 1.295zm-6.852-2.376A4.498 4.498 0 0 0 5.514 9a4.486 4.486 0 0 0 4.494 4.484 4.498 4.498 0 0 0 4.499-4.489 4.486 4.486 0 0 0-4.494-4.484z" id="a"/> <mask id="b" x="-2" y="-2" width="22.02" height="21.896"> <path fill="#fff" d="M-1.026-1.966h22.02V19.93h-22.02z"/> <use xlinkHref="#a"/> </mask> </defs> <use mask="url(#b)" xlinkHref="#a" transform="translate(1 2)" strokeWidth="4" stroke="#0070D9" fill="none" fillRule="evenodd"/> </svg>
但反应跳过此属性:mask =“url(#b)”
它似乎工作正常: https://jsfiddle.net/07xre6dx/我假设您正在使用一些旧的反应版本,因为直到15.0 version才支持使用带有map属性的标记:
Historically our support for SVG has been incomplete, and many tags and attributes were missing. We heard you, and in React 15 we added support for all the SVG attributes that are recognized by today’s browsers. If we missed any of the attributes you’d like to use, please let us know. As a bonus, thanks to using document.createElement, we no longer need to maintain a list of SVG tags, so any SVG tags that were previously unsupported should work just fine in React 15.