我有一个Ajax的站点,Ajax的内容来自其他页面,例如about.html,contact.html. ajax从一个叫做#main-content的div中获取内容.但是在ajax调用之后,我的其他脚本都破了.比如tinyscrollbar()插件和一些其他自
如果我是对的,我需要解决这个问题? .live()或.livequery()插件?
var $dd = $('.projects dl').find('dd'), $defBox = $('#def-box'); $defBox.hide(); $('.projects').hover(function(){ $defBox.stop(true, true) .fadeToggle(1000) .html('<p>Hover The links to see a description</p>'); }); $dd.hide(); $('.projects dl dt').hover(function(){ var $data = $(this).next('dd').html(); $defBox.html($data); }); // Ajax Stuff // Check for hash value in URL var hash = window.location.hash.substr(1); // Check to ensure that a link with href == hash is on the page if ($('a[href="' + hash + '"]').length) { // Load the page. var toLoad = hash + '.php #main-content'; $('#main-content').load(toLoad); } $("nav ul li a").click(function(){ var goingTo = $(this).attr('href'); goingTo = goingTo.substring(goingTo.lastIndexOf('/') + 1); if (window.location.hash.substring(1) === goingTo) return false; var toLoad = $(this).attr('href')+' #main-content', $content = $('#main-content'), $loadimg = $('#load'); $content.fadeOut('fast',loadContent); $loadimg.remove(); $content.append('<span id="load"></span>'); $loadimg.fadeIn('slow'); window.location.hash = goingTo; function loadContent() { $content.load(toLoad,'',showNewContent) } function showNewContent() { $content.fadeIn('fast',hideLoader); } function hideLoader() { $loadimg.fadeOut('fast'); } return false; });对于插件,都不是.您只需在$.load的完整回调中重新启动插件:
$('#main-content').load(toLoad, function() { $("#foo").tinyscrollbar(); $("#bar").facebox(); // etc });
$('.projects dl').delegate("dt", "hover", function() { ... }, function() { ... });
$('.projects dl dt').live("hover", function() { ... }, function() { ... });