我有utils.js文件. export function categoryIdToCategoryName(categoryId) {let name;switch (categoryId) { case constants.RISK_CATEGORY_LOW: name = 'low'; break; case constants.RISK_CATEGORY_MEDIUM: name = 'medium'; break; case constants.RI
export function categoryIdToCategoryName(categoryId) { let name; switch (categoryId) { case constants.RISK_CATEGORY_LOW: name = 'low'; break; case constants.RISK_CATEGORY_MEDIUM: name = 'medium'; break; case constants.RISK_CATEGORY_HIGH: name = 'high'; break; case constants.RISK_CATEGORY_CRITICAL: name = 'critical'; break; default: console.warn('see: /utils/risk.js', 'categoryIdToCategoryName:', categoryId); name = 'unknown'; } return name; }
我想用https://github.com/yahoo/react-intl翻译这些文本 – [低,中,高,关键].所以我定义了消息
const translations = defineMessages({ riskLow: { id: 'utils.risk.low', defaultMessage: 'low', }, riskMedium: { id: 'utils.risk.medium', defaultMessage: 'medium', }, riskHigh: { id: 'utils.risk.high', defaultMessage: 'high', }, riskCritical: { id: 'utils.risk.critical', defaultMessage: 'critical', } });
import { IntlProvider, addLocaleData } from 'react-intl'; import localeDataEN from 'react-intl/locale-data/en'; import { translations } from '../point-to-your-translation-file'; addLocaleData(localeDataEN); const locale = 'en' const messages = //read it from your translated json file const intlProvider = new IntlProvider({ locale, messages }); const { intl } = intlProvider.getChildContext(); // this is how you get access to the formatMessage function to use i18n for your messages function categoryIdToCategoryName(categoryId) { let name; switch (categoryId) { case constants.RISK_CATEGORY_LOW: name = intl.formatMessage(formMessages.riskLow); break; case constants.RISK_CATEGORY_MEDIUM: name = intl.formatMessage(formMessages.riskMedium); break; case constants.RISK_CATEGORY_HIGH: name = intl.formatMessage(formMessages.riskHigh); break; case constants.RISK_CATEGORY_CRITICAL: name = intl.formatMessage(formMessages.riskCritical); break; default: console.warn('see: /utils/risk.js', 'categoryIdToCategoryName:', categoryId); name = 'unknown'; } return name; }
您也可以查看以下答案:React-intl for non components