我有一个Redux商店,想要连接它.这是我的容器组件的摘录: interface IProps { states: IAppState; actions: IAppProps;}// mapping state to the propsconst mapStateToProps = ( state: IAppState, ownProps = {} ) = ({ states: sta
interface IProps { states: IAppState; actions: IAppProps; } // mapping state to the props const mapStateToProps = ( state: IAppState, ownProps = {} ) => ({ states: state }); // mapping actions to the props const mapDispatchToProps = ( dispatch: Redux.Dispatch<IAppState> ) => ({ actions: Redux.bindActionCreators( actions, dispatch ) }); // connect store to App @connect<IAppState, IAppProps, any>( mapStateToProps, mapDispatchToProps ) export default class App extends React.Component<IProps, {}> { //... }
error TS2345: Argument of type '(state: IAppState, ownProps?: {}) => { states: IAppState; }' is not assignable to parameter of type 'MapStateToPropsParam<IAppState, any>'. Type '(state: IAppState, ownProps?: {}) => { states: IAppState; }' is not assignable to type 'MapStateToPropsFactory<IAppState, any>'. Type '{ states: IAppState; }' is not assignable to type 'MapStateToProps<IAppState, any>'. Type '{ states: IAppState; }' provides no match for the signature '(state: any, ownProps?: any): IAppState'.
我正在使用@ types / react-redux @ 4.4.44公开MapStateToProps接口.我认为我的mapStateToProps面对这个界面……但是有些事情是错的.有什么想法是什么?
好吧,似乎@ types / react-redux接受mapStateToProps返回完全相同的类型.我希望它在映射期间修改它,如{states:AppStateTree}.相反,我修改了状态树combineReducers({states:myReducer}).所以这段代码工作正常:interface IRootState { state: IAppState; } const mapStateToProps = ( state: IRootState ) => state; const mapDispatchToProps = { toggleOpenAddFeed }; type IProps = IRootState & typeof mapDispatchToProps; class App extends React.Component<IProps, {}> { render() { return ( <div className="main-wrapper"> <Mycomponent store={this.props} /> </div> ); } } export default connect( mapStateToProps, mapDispatchToProps )( App );