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create-react-app 创建react应用环境变量(env)配置

来源:互联网 收集:自由互联 发布时间:2021-06-15
参考:https://facebook.github.io/create-react-app/docs/adding-custom-environment-variables What other .env files can be used? Note: this feature isavailable with [emailprotected] and higher. .env : Default. .env.local : Local overrides.T




What other .env files can be used?

Note: this feature is available with [email protected] and higher.

  • .env: Default.
  • .env.local: Local overrides. This file is loaded for all environments except test.
  • .env.development.env.test.env.production: Environment-specific settings.
  • .env.development.local.env.test.local.env.production.local: Local overrides of environment-specific settings.

Files on the left have more priority than files on the right:

  • npm start.env.development.local.env.development.env.local.env
  • npm run build.env.production.local.env.production.env.local.env
  • npm test.env.test.local.env.test.env (note .env.local is missing)