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dojo 控件样式修改

来源:互联网 收集:自由互联 发布时间:2021-06-15
require(["dojo"], function(dojo){ // Passing only an ID or node returns the computed style object of the node: dojo.style("thinger"); // Passing a node and a style property returns the current normalized, computed value for that property: d

require(["dojo"], function(dojo){

 // Passing only an ID or node returns the computed style object of the node:


 // Passing a node and a style property returns the current normalized, computed value for that property:

 dojo.style("thinger", "opacity"); // 1 by default

 // Passing a node, a style property, and a value changes the current display of the node and returns the new computed value

 dojo.style("thinger", "opacity", 0.5); // == 0.5

 // Passing a node, an object-style style property sets each of the values in turn and returns the computed style object of the node:

 dojo.style("thinger", {

 "opacity": 0.5,

 "border": "3px solid black",

 "height": "300px"


 // When the CSS style property is hyphenated, the JavaScript property is camelCased.

 // font-size becomes fontSize, and so on.

 dojo.style("thinger", {




 // dojo.NodeList implements .style() using the same syntax, omitting the "node" parameter,

 // calling dojo.style() on every element of the list. See: dojo.query() and dojo.NodeList

 dojo.query(".someClassName").style("visibility", "hidden");

 // or

 dojo.query("#baz > div").style({





上一篇:dojo.declare 详解
下一篇:dojo SplitContainer