我无法弄清楚如何使用TypeScript设置我的React组件的状态. 我正在做一个简单的Todo清单 我有一个整个列表的组件:TodoList 我想在列表中播放一些可以玩的项目 我想我会发送一个简单的数
import * as React from "react"; import { TodoItem, ITodoItem } from "../TodoItem"; interface ITodoListProps { items: ITodoItem[]; } interface ITodoListState { stateItems: ITodoItem[]; } export class TodoList extends React.Component<ITodoListProps, Partial<ITodoListState>> { constructor(props: ITodoListProps) { super(props); // Trouble figuring this part out // I'd like to set the state to the list from the // props, as a seed. this.setState({ stateItems: this.state.stateItems }); } public render() { return ( <div> <ul> // This should probably be displaying the items from the state, and not the props. {this.props.items.map((todo, i) => { return <TodoItem key={i} name={todo.name} /> })} </ul> </div> ); } }在构造函数中设置初始状态时,只需将您想要的值赋给this.state:
constructor() { // ... this.state = { stateItems: ... /* initial value */ } }