解决了:我所做的就是将DataTextField和DataValueField更改为“Type”,当我返回.val()时,它给了我与文本完全相同的字段. 我试图从使用脚本的Kendo下拉列表的选定索引的视图中向Controller返回一
边问题:另外,在当前上下文中,distinct不起作用,如果我从视图中删除.DataValueField以及从我的DTO和Controller中取出Product ID,我可以得到.DataTextField的不同值(“Type” ).
它也将更新Kendo Grid.
<h2>Products</h2> @(Html.Kendo().DropDownList() .Name("typeDropDownList") .HtmlAttributes(new { style = "width: 250px" }) .DataTextField("Type") .DataValueField("ProductID") .DataSource(source => { source.Read(read => { read.Action("GetList", "AdvSlider") .Data("refresh"); }) .ServerFiltering(true); }) .OptionLabel("Select a type") .Events(e => e.Change( @<text> function(e){ $("#grid").data("kendoGrid").dataSource.read(); }</text> )) ) @(Html.Kendo().Grid<SKLiqPOC.Models.PatDTO>() .Name("grid") .DataSource(dataSource => dataSource // Configure the grid data source .Ajax() // Specify that ajax binding is used .ServerOperation(false) .Read(read => read.Action("GetJson", "AdvSlider") .Data("refresh")) // Set the action method which will return the data in JSON format .PageSize(20) ) .Columns(columns => { //columns.Bound("Name"); columns.Bound(a => a.ProductID).Filterable(false).Width(100); columns.Bound(a => a.Description); columns.Bound(a => a.ProductName).Width(160); columns.Bound(a => a.Manufacturer).Width(160); columns.Bound(a => a.Price).Format("{0:C}").Width(130); }) .Pageable() // Enable paging .Sortable() // Enable sorting .Filterable() //Enable filtering .Scrollable() .HtmlAttributes(new { style = "height:430px;" }) ) <script> function refresh() { return { name: $("#typeDropDownList").val() }; }; </script>
namespace SKLiqPOC.Controllers { public class AdvSliderController : Controller { private SKLIQContext db = new SKLIQContext(); public ActionResult Index() { return View(); } public ActionResult GetList() { IQueryable<ddlDTO> dtoQuery = ( from name in db.t_prdct_fmly join product in db.t_prdct on name.prdct_fmly_sys_key_id equals product.prdct_fmly_sys_key_id join nameCat in db.t_prdct_fmly_ctgy on name.prdct_fmly_sys_key_id equals nameCat.prdct_fmly_sys_key_id join type in db.t_prdct_ctgy on nameCat.prdct_ctgy_sys_key_id equals type.prdct_ctgy_sys_key_id where !product.excl_fr_srch select new ddlDTO { Type = type.shrt_descr, ProductID = product.prdct_fmly_sys_key_id }).Distinct(); return Json(dtoQuery, JsonRequestBehavior.AllowGet); } public ActionResult GetJson([DataSourceRequest]DataSourceRequest request, string name) { IEnumerable<PatDTO> dtoQuery = GetItems(name); if (dtoQuery.Count() <= 0) //If no items are found add a message in the grid stating such dtoQuery = new PatDTO[1] { new PatDTO { ProductName = "No Items Found" } }; DataSourceResult result = dtoQuery.ToDataSourceResult(request); return Json(result, JsonRequestBehavior.AllowGet); } public IQueryable<PatDTO> GetItems(string query) { IQueryable<PatDTO> dtoQuery = from product in db.t_prdct join name in db.t_prdct_fmly on product.prdct_fmly_sys_key_id equals name.prdct_fmly_sys_key_id join type in db.t_prdct_ctgy on product.prdct_typ_cd equals type.prdct_ctgy_sys_key_id join country in db.t_cntry_orig on product.cntry_orig_cd equals country.cntry_orig_sys_key_id join region in db.t_regn_orig on product.regn_orig_cd equals region.regn_orig_sys_key_id where !product.excl_fr_srch && type.shrt_descr.ToLower().Contains(query.ToLower()) select new PatDTO { ProductID = product.prdct_fmly_sys_key_id, Price = product.retl_price, ProductName = product.t_prdct_fmly.prdct_fmly_nm, Manufacturer = name.mnfct_nm, Description = name.mrkt_nrtv }; return dtoQuery; } } }
namespace SKLiqPOC.Models { public class ddlDTO { public string Type { get; set; } public int ProductID { get; set; } } }您可以通过 text属性获取文本值,如下所示:
var selectedText = $("#typeDropDownList").data("kendoDropDownList").text()