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10 Reasons Why Your Projects Should Use the Dojo

来源:互联网 收集:自由互联 发布时间:2021-06-15
1. Modularity and AMD Loading 2. Classes and Extensibility withdojo/declare 3. Aspects and “Function to Function Events” 4. Deferreds and Unified AJAX Transports 5. Dijit UI Framework 6. Dojo Mobile 7. GFX and Charting 8. SitePen’s dg

1. Modularity and AMD Loading

2. Classes and Extensibility withdojo/declare

3. Aspects and “Function to Function Events”

4. Deferreds and Unified AJAX Transports

5. Dijit UI Framework

6. Dojo Mobile

7. GFX and Charting

8. SitePen’s dgrid

9. DOH Testing Framework

10. Dojo Build Process

11. BONUS! “Dojo’s Treasure Chest”: More DojoX

