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dojo datagrid row formatter / label function

来源:互联网 收集:自由互联 发布时间:2021-06-15
1. add a formatter function to each cell of datagrid's layout it will show a label like item.a + item.b after edit formatter: function(item){ returnitem.a+ item.b; } 2. Sometimes you want to show a label based on two properties of an row da

1. add a formatter function to each cell of datagrid's layout

it will show a label like item.a + item.b after edit

                                            formatter: function(item){                                                 return item.a + item.b;                                             }                                

2. Sometimes you want to show a label based on two properties of an row data, you can add get function to each cell

                                           get: function(rowIndex, item){

                                                    return item.a+ " " + item.b;


