我无法动态创建React组件. 我看到空白页面,下面的代码没有错误. 1)尝试创建名为“PieChart”的元素 2)下面是我在控制台中看到的两个错误. 1. Warning: PieChart / is using incorrect casing. Use Pasca
1. Warning: <PieChart /> is using incorrect casing. Use PascalCase for React components, or lowercase for HTML elements. 2. Warning: The tag <PieChart/> is unrecognized in this browser. If you meant to render a React component, start its name with an uppercase letter.
import PieChart from "../component/PieChart"; class App extends Component { render() { const GraphWidget = React.createElement("PieChart"); return ( <div> {GraphWidget} </div> ) } } export default App;从 createElement documentation:
Create and return a new React element of the given type. The type argument can be either a tag name string (such as ‘div’ or ‘span’), a React component type (a class or a function), or a React fragment type.
const GraphWidget = React.createElement(PieChart);
const components = { PieChart: PieChart ... }; const GraphWidget = React.createElement(components['PieChart']);