我想抓住 http://www.euromillones.com.es/网站获得最后的5个数字和2个星.它可以在网站的左栏中看到.我一直在阅读教程,但我无法实现这一目标. 这是我到目前为止编写的代码: app.get('/winnern
app.get('/winnernumbers', function(req, res){ //Tell the request that we want to fetch youtube.com, send the results to a callback function request({uri: 'http://www.euromillones.com.es/ '}, function(err, response, body){ var self = this; self.items = new Array();//I feel like I want to save my results in an array //Just a basic error check if(err && response.statusCode !== 200){console.log('Request error.');} //Send the body param as the HTML code we will parse in jsdom //also tell jsdom to attach jQuery in the scripts and loaded from jQuery.com jsdom.env({ html: body, scripts: ['http://code.jquery.com/jquery-1.6.min.js '] }, function(err, window){ //Use jQuery just as in a regular HTML page var $= window.jQuery; res.send($('title').text()); }); }); });
在我看来,你刚刚使用了jsdom不知道如何处理的参数组合. documentation显示了这个签名:jsdom.env(string, [scripts], [config], callback);
jsdom.env(config, callback);
jsdom.env({ html: body, scripts: ['http://code.jquery.com/jquery-1.6.min.js'], done: function (err, window) { //Use jQuery just as in a regular HTML page var $= window.jQuery; res.send($('title').text()); } });