如果我附加任何额外的验证方法,我在保存运行for循环的项目时遇到问题.基本上,我正在构建一个Instagram API应用程序,允许编辑删除不合适的照片.照片从Instagram中分批抽出20张并显示给编
为了不将列入黑名单的照片重新出现在Feed上,在将项目保存到主照片数据库之前,需要根据黑名单检查照片的Instagram ID.为此,我使用的是Schema方法.
exports.create = function(req, res) { var topic = req.body.topic || 'nyc'; var path = 'https://api.instagram.com/v1/tags/' + topic + '/media/recent?client_id=' + 'XXXXXXXXXX'; request.get({url: path}, function(err, response){ if (err){ console.log('Failed to get data: ', err); return res.status(400).json({error: 'Not allowed'}); } else{ // ------------------------------------------------ // Make sure we have JSON // var body = JSON.parse(response.body); // ------------------------------------------------ // Loop through each response // for (var i = 0; i < body.data.length; i++ ){ var photoData = body.data[i]; // ------------------------------------------------ // If there is no caption, skip it // if (!photoData.caption){ text = ''; } else{ text = photoData.caption; } // ------------------------------------------------ // Create new photo object // var photo = new Photo({ link: photoData.link, username: photoData.user.username, profilePicture: photoData.user.profile_picture, imageThumbnail: photoData.images.thumbnail.url, imageFullsize: photoData.images.standard_resolution.url, caption: text, userId: photoData.user.id, date: photoData.created_time, _id: photoData.id }); photo.checkBlacklist(function(err, blacklist){ if (!blacklist){ photo.save(function(err, item){ if (err){ console.log(err); } console.log('Saved', item); }) } }); // ------------------------------------------------- // // Save // // ------------------------------------------------- } // END FOR LOOP console.log('Photos saved'); return res.json(201, {msg: 'Photos updated'} ); } }); };
'use strict'; var mongoose = require('mongoose'), Schema = mongoose.Schema; var Blacklist = require('../blacklist/blacklist.model'); var PhotoSchema = new Schema({ created: {type: Date, default: Date.now()}, date: String, link: String, username: String, profilePicture: String, imageThumbnail: {type: String, unique: true}, imageFullsize: String, caption: String, userId: String, _id: {type: String, unique: true} }); PhotoSchema.methods.checkBlacklist = function(callback){ return Blacklist.findById(this._id, callback); }; module.exports = mongoose.model('Photo', PhotoSchema);
当您必须为数组中的项执行相同的异步任务时,请不要使用常规for循环.查看 async.each,它更适合您的场景,例如(只是代码的其他部分):var body = JSON.parse(response.body); async.each(body.data, function (photoData, callback) { // ------------------------------------------------ // If there is no caption, skip it // if (!photoData.caption){ text = ''; } else{ text = photoData.caption; } // ------------------------------------------------ // Create new photo object // var photo = new Photo({ link: photoData.link, username: photoData.user.username, profilePicture: photoData.user.profile_picture, imageThumbnail: photoData.images.thumbnail.url, imageFullsize: photoData.images.standard_resolution.url, caption: text, userId: photoData.user.id, date: photoData.created_time, _id: photoData.id }); photo.checkBlacklist(function(err, blacklist){ if (!blacklist){ photo.save(function(err, item){ if (err){ console.log(err); } console.log('Saved', item); callback(); }); } }); }, function (error) { if (error) res.json(500, {error: error}); console.log('Photos saved'); return res.json(201, {msg: 'Photos updated'} ); });
npm install async
var async = require('async');