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node.js – 在构建blackberry10 cordova / phonegap项目时,缺少许多文件

来源:互联网 收集:自由互联 发布时间:2021-06-16
在构建blackberry10 cordova / phonegap项目时,构建中不包含许多文件.不包括许多启动画面图像和文件“DEFAULT_BAR_NAME.bar”. 但是,如果在另一台设备(台式PC)上重复相同的过程,则会包含所有文件
在构建blackberry10 cordova / phonegap项目时,构建中不包含许多文件.不包括许多启动画面图像和文件“DEFAULT_BAR_NAME.bar”.


C:\Users\USER\hello>cordova emulate blackberry10
[Error: An error occurred while emulating/deploying the blackberry10 project.
[BUILD]   Populating application source
[BUILD]   Parsing config.xml
[BUILD]   Generating output files
[WARN]    Failed to find debug token. If you have an existing debug token, please copy it to %HOME%/.cordova/blackberry10debugtoken.bar. To generate a new debug token, execute the 'run' command.
[ERROR]   Error: Attribute image: file cannot be found in the list of packaged files: res/screen/blackberry/splash-1280x768.png
[ERROR]   Native Packager exception occurred
[WARN]    Failed to find debug token. If you have an existing debug token, please copy it to %HOME%/.cordova/blackberry10debugtoken.bar. To generate a new debug token, execute the 'run' command.
[ERROR]   Error: Attribute image: file cannot be found in the list of packaged files: res/screen/blackberry/splash-1280x768.png
[ERROR]   Native Packager exception occurred
[ERROR]   Error: File does not exist or not a file or cannot read: C:\Users\USER\hello\PLATFO~1\BLACKB~1\build\simulator\DEFAULT_BAR_NAME.bar



>现在仔细删除那些未使用cordova platform add命令添加的平台的splash和icon的所有声明.例如,如果您已经为黑莓创建了一个项目,请删除ios,android,webos,bada,windows-phone的所有图标和启动声明

我能够在phonegap 3.3中编译我的黑莓10应用程序

