我有mongoose.createConnection函数的问题,这是我的测试代码: "use strict";// connect to mongodb://localhost/node_marque_test// empty database before each testlet mongoose = require('mongoose'), expect = require('chai').expect,
"use strict"; // connect to mongodb://localhost/node_marque_test // empty database before each test let mongoose = require('mongoose'), expect = require('chai').expect, // use a specific base for test purposes dbURI = 'mongodb://localhost/node_marque_test', Marque = require('../lib/marque.js'); before(function(done){ // connect to db let connection = mongoose.createConnection(dbURI); // remove all documents connection.on('open', function(){ Marque.remove(function(err, marques){ if(err){ console.log(err); throw(err); } else { // console.log('cleaning marques from mongo'); done(); } }) }) }) afterEach(function(done){ Marque.remove().exec(done); }) describe('an instance of Marque', ()=>{ let marque; beforeEach((done)=>{ marque = new Marque({name: 'YAMAHA'}) marque.save((err)=>{ if(err){throw(err);} done(); }) }) it('has a nom', ()=>{ expect(marque.name).to.eql('YAMAHA'); }) it('has a _id attribute', ()=>{ expect(marque).to.have.property('_id') }) })
"use strict"; let mongoose = require('mongoose'), Schema = mongoose.Schema; // Schema definition with some validation let marqueSchema = Schema({ name: { type: String, required: true} }); // compile schema to create a model let Marque = mongoose.model('Marque', marqueSchema); // custom validation rules Marque.schema.path('name').validate(name_is_unique, "This name is already taken"); function name_is_unique(name,callback) { Marque.find({$and: [{name: name},{_id: {$ne: this._id}}]}, function(err, names){ callback(err || names.length === 0); }); } module.exports = mongoose.model('Marque');
1) "before all" hook 0 passing (2s) 1 failing 1) "before all" hook: Error: timeout of 2000ms exceeded. Ensure the done() callback is being called in this test.
// connect to db let connection = mongoose.createConnection(dbURI); // remove all documents connection.on('open', function(){
// connect to db mongoose.connect(dbURI); // remove all documents mongoose.connection.on('open', function(){
an instance of Marque ✓ has a nom ✓ has a _id attribute 2 passing (65ms)
谢谢你的帮助 :)
要解决此问题,我们需要在连接实例上注册模型架构.即使用connection.model而不是mongoose.model.从 here起you need to always reference that connection variable if you include a registered model, otherwise, if you use mongoose to load the model, it will never actually talk to your database.
... let connection = mongoose.createConnection(dbURI); Marque = require('../lib/marque.js')(connection); ...
"use strict"; let mongoose = require('mongoose'), Schema = mongoose.Schema; // Schema definition with some validation let marqueSchema = Schema({ name: { type: String, required: true} }); module.exports = function(conn) { // compile schema to create a model. Probably should use a try-catch. let Marque = conn.model('Marque', marqueSchema); // custom model validation code here // ... return conn.model('Marque'); }