我有一个firebase数据库,我希望创建一个云功能,在将父节点添加到父节点时触发,该父节点应调用带有父节点中添加的子节点参数的url. 将被调用的URL是在Google App Engine中托管的NodeJS Expre
将被调用的URL是在Google App Engine中托管的NodeJS Express应用程序.
您可以使用node.js request库来执行此操作.因为,在您的Cloud Function中,您必须在执行异步任务时返回Promise,您需要使用接口包装器来处理请求,例如request-promise.
..... var rp = require('request-promise'); ..... exports.yourCloudFucntion = functions.database.ref('/parent/{childId}') .onCreate((snapshot, context) => { // Grab the current value of what was written to the Realtime Database. const createdData = snapshot.val(); var options = { url: 'https://.......', method: 'POST', body: .... json: true // Automatically stringifies the body to JSON }; return rp(options); });
..... const createdData = snapshot.val(); var options = { url: 'https://.......', method: 'POST', body: { some: createdData.someFieldName }, json: true // Automatically stringifies the body to JSON }; .....
..... const createdData = snapshot.val(); const queryStringObject = { some: createdData.someFieldName, another: createdData.anotherFieldName }; var options = { url: 'https://.......', method: 'POST', qs: queryStringObject }; .....