我正试图开始使用 Vows和 Vows-BDD.不幸的是,回调让我感到沮丧. 在下面这个非常简单的例子中,如何修复此错误? ** Inside the first context** Creating Person with name Nick✗ Errored » callback not fired
** Inside the first context ** Creating Person with name Nick ✗ Errored » callback not fired in Create a Person via JavaScript: When a person has a name, in Creating a Person in undefined✗ Errored » 1 errored 1 dropped
vows_bdd = require "vows-bdd" assert = require "assert" class Person constructor: (@name) -> console.log "** Creating Person with name #{@name}" greeting: -> "Hello, #{@name}" vows_bdd .Feature("Creating a Person") .scenario("Create a Person via JavaScript") .when "a person has a name", -> console.log "** Inside the first context" new Person "Nick" .then "the person can be greeted", (person) -> console.log "person is a #{typeof person} = [#{person}]" assert.equal person.greeting(), "Hello, Nick" .complete() .finish(module)我知道这篇文章已经过时了,但由于这是有人搜索此错误时的第一个结果,我发布了我的答案.