如果我有一个嵌套文档,如何在Mongoose中更新该嵌套文档中的字段? 我使用我能找到的所有可用内容仔细研究了这个问题,甚至更改了我的测试代码以匹配Stackoverflow上有关此问题的类似问
var mongoose = require('mongoose') , db = mongoose.createConnection('localhost', 'test') , assert = require("node-assert-extras"); var Schema = mongoose.Schema; var ObjectId = Schema.ObjectId; db.once('open', function () { // yay! }); mongoose.set('debug', true); var PDFSchema = new Schema({ title : { type: String, required: true, trim: true } }) var docsSchema = new Schema({ PDFs : [PDFSchema] }); var A = db.model('pdf', PDFSchema); var B = db.model('docs', docsSchema); function reset(cb) { B.find().remove(); // create some data with a nested document A var newA = new A( { title : "my title" }) var newB = new B( { PDFs: newA}); newB.save(); cb(); } function test1( ) { reset(function() { B.findOne({}, 'PDFs', function(e,o) { console.log(o); pdf_id = o.PDFs[0]._id; console.log("ID " + pdf_id); B.update( { 'pdfs.pdf_id': pdf_id }, { $set: { 'pdfs.$.title': 'new title' }}, function (err, numAffected) { if(err) throw err; assert.equal(numAffected,1); //KA Boom! } ); }); }); } test1(); /* $node test2.js Mongoose: docs.remove({}) {} Mongoose: docs.findOne({}) { fields: { PDFs: 1 }, safe: true } Mongoose: docs.insert({ __v: 0, PDFs: [ { _id: ObjectId("50930e3d0a39ad162b000002"), title: 'my title' } ], _id: ObjectId("50930e3d0a39ad162b000003") }) { safe: true } { _id: 50930e3d0a39ad162b000003, PDFs: [ { _id: 50930e3d0a39ad162b000002, title: 'my title' } ] } ID 50930e3d0a39ad162b000002 assert.js:102 throw new assert.AssertionError({ ^ AssertionError: 0 == 1 */您没有在B.update调用中使用正确的字段名称.它应该是这样的:
B.update( { 'PDFs._id': pdf_id }, // <== here { $set: { 'PDFs.$.title': 'new title' // <== and here }}, function (err, numAffected) { if(err) throw err; assert.equal(numAffected,1); } );
function reset(cb) { B.find().remove(); // create some data with a nested document A var newA = new A( { title : "my title" }) var newB = new B( { PDFs: newA}); newB.save(cb); // <== call cb when the document is saved }