Frist: Greeting 问候
Hi there
How are you?/ What‘up/How do you do
How are you doing/ How is it going?/How is your day going?
For old friends:
How have you been doing?
long time no see
It‘s been a long time, we should get togethedr some time to catch up # 好久不见了,我们应该找个时间聚聚
It is also very nice to see you again
Second: Introduce Yourself
How old are you?
Where do you come from?
What do you do?
What is your hobby?
Do you like Hot Pot?
Have you ever been to ... in China?
What is friendship?
When I am sad, I think friendship is a warm word.It can bring me happiness again.
When I am in trouble, I think friendship is a strong hand.
It can help me escape my troubles # escape vi. 逃脱;避开;溜走;(气体,液体等)漏出;(未受伤或只受了一点伤害而)逃脱;声音(不自觉地)由…发出
词汇(Key Word )
# 常用描述品质;品性 personality
humorous adj. 诙谐的,幽默的;滑稽的,可笑的
loyal /?l???l/ adj. 忠诚的,忠心的;忠贞的
responsible /r??spɑns?bl/ adj. 负责的,可靠的;有责任的
patient adj. 有耐心的,能容忍的 PS:作为名词时,有病人,患者;受动者,承受者的意思
helpful adj. 有帮助的;有益的
friendly adj. 友好的;亲切的;支持的;融洽的,和睦的
kind /ka?nd/ adj. 和蔼的;宽容的;令人感激的
honest /?ɑ?n?st/ adj. 诚实的,实在的;可靠的;坦率的 PS: 这里的“h”未发音 ,就像 honour /?ɑ?n?r/ 荣耀
friendship 友谊;朋友关系
colleagueship 同事关系 colleague n. 同事,同僚 #注意区分 college 美 /?kɑ?l?d?/ n. 大学;学院;学会
partnership 合伙;合作关系;合伙契约
metorship 师徒制;师生关系
fellowship 友谊;奖学金;研究员职位
membership n. 资格;成员资格;会员身份
pupil n. 学生;[解剖] 瞳孔;未成年人
tutor n. 导师;家庭教师;助教;(尤指音乐)课本
American drama 美剧
TV show
reality show 真人秀
variety show 综艺节目
Arrival card 入境证
Departure Card 出境证
Occupation n. 职业;占有;消遣;占有期
socialize 社交
extroverted adj. 性格外向的;外向性的;喜社交的
introverted adj. 内向的
Pal n. 朋友,伙伴;同志
Gal pal 女性朋友
fair-weather friends 酒肉朋友;可共安乐而不能共患难的朋友
witty 机智 风趣的 诙谐的
nut 坚果
Nuts to you!胡说!去你的!
You are nuts 你在胡说,你疯了
are you nuts?你疯了吗?
natty adj. 整洁的;敏捷的;考虑周到的;清楚的
escape = get rid of 摆脱,除去
saying n. 谚语,格言
It depends 看情况
be friends with...
people person 善于与人打交道的人
Don‘t judge a book by its cover. 不要以貌取人。
Loki‘s quick on the uptake. 他的理解力很强
Loki‘s a fast learner 学东西很快
Loki has a quick mind. 思维很敏捷。
Loki will never let sb you down 不会让某人失望
Loki works efficiently 某人真能干
Loki does things well and he gets them done quickly 把事情做得很好,而且做得很快
That‘s the way Loki is. 某人就是那种人
That‘s the kind of guy Loki is 某人就是这样的人
Loki has a lot of common sense. 他很有常识
He‘s wise for his age. 他虽年轻,却很有博学