考虑以下代码: struct Base //in my real scenario Base class can not be changed{ int a; double b[10];};struct Child : Base{ Child(int aa, double bb[10]) : Base{aa} {} //This works fine Child(int aa, double bb[10]) : Base{aa, bb} {} //
struct Base //in my real scenario Base class can not be changed { int a; double b[10]; }; struct Child : Base { Child(int aa, double bb[10]) : Base{aa} {} //This works fine Child(int aa, double bb[10]) : Base{aa, bb} {} //this is not working };
struct Base { int a; std::array<double, 10> b; }; struct Child : Base { Child(int aa, std::array<double, 10> bb) : Base{aa, bb} {} };
#include <array> #include <algorithm> #include <iostream> struct Base { int a; double b[10]; }; struct Child : Base { Child(int aa, std::array<double, 10> bb) : Base{aa} { std::copy(bb.begin(), bb.end(), b); } }; int main() { auto child = Child(3, {2, 3, 4}); for (auto it : child.b) { std::cout << it << " "; } }
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您也可以使用引用而不是std :: array来实现,但语法有点复杂:
Child(int aa, double const (&bb)[10]) : Base{aa} { std::copy(&bb[0], &bb[10], b); }