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敏捷 – 什么是面向对象的方法论?

来源:互联网 收集:自由互联 发布时间:2021-06-19
我一直在研究不同的编程方法:Scrum,瀑布,螺旋,但有人讲述了一个名为面向对象的方法.据我所知,这是一种范式,而不是一种方法论. 如果是一种方法论,有人可以解释它与敏捷或瀑布的区


好吧,谷歌发现了一些这样的 beast的痕迹,这清楚地描述了类似方法论的事情:

This document aims at introducing briefly to the readers the Object Oriented Methodology (OOM). Information covered in the document includes a brief overview of the OOM, its benefits, the processes and some of the major techniques in OOM.

OOM is a new system development approach encouraging and facilitating re-use of software components. With this methodology, a computer system can be developed on a component basis which enables the effective re-use of existing components and facilitates the sharing of its components by other systems. Through the adoption of OOM, higher productivity, lower maintenance cost and better quality can be achieved.

This methodology employs international standard Unified Modeling Language (UML) from the Object Management Group (OMG). UML is a modeling standard for OO analysis and design which has been widely adopted in the IT industry.

The OOM life cycle consists of six stages. These stages are the business planning stage, the business architecture definition stage, the technical architecture definition stage, the incremental delivery planning stage, the incremental design and build stage, and the deployment stage.

