在过去的几个月里,我在学习纯粹的oop方面走了很长的路,现在我正在将设计模式应用到我的工作中!所以我不得不扩展我的 PHP知识,我正在使用接口,扩展它们,然后为这些接口实现类.我的
interface Car { function doGeneralCarStuff(); vinNumber =; } interface CompactCar extends Car { static $numCompactCars; function doCompactCarStuff(); } class HondaCivic implements CompactCar { function doGeneralCarStuff() { //honk horn , blink blinkers, wipers on, yadda yadda } function doCompactCarStuff() { //foo and bar and foobar } } class ToyotaCorolla implements CompactCar { function doGeneralCarStuff() { //honk horn , blink blinkers, wipers on, yadda yadda } function doCompactCarStuff() { //foo and bar and foobar } } myCar = new HondaCivic(); myFriendCar = new ToyotaCorolla();
如果将“新车”存储在一个数组中,您可以轻松地遍历它们并检查是否实现了给定的接口.就像是:$cars['myCar'] = new HondaCivic(); $cars['myFriendCar'] = new ToyotaCorolla(); $compact_counter = 0; foreach ($cars as $car) if ($car instanceof CompactCar) $compact_counter ++;